Meaning of "This isn't one of your better "
You can use whatever name you choose, Casual Sex as long as Antimoon allows it. I am not a moderator here. Your name doesn't seem serious, but your answers are.
The real issue was that scrat_ali did not understand that there were two meanings for "diner"...
You did your best.
After Casual Sex's post, I realized what the meaning of the cartoon was but, I'm active in another forum which people are getting "One that dines" meaning for diner, for persuading them I asked if the sentence in the cartoon meant any special meaning.
Have you come across the expression - "Ladies who dine".
Ladies who dine: Heyka's Heimat Review
Ladies who dine. This is a blog for a specific group of ladies in Tulsa who attend monthly dinners. No husbands, no children, no pets! ... - Cached - Similar
I object to someone using a name like 'Casual Sex'. Why use a name that people find provocative and annoying. I realise the wisdom of using an anonymous name, however why can't you choose a name that is pleasant and memorable, like - Jack Frost.
Now really, what could be more pleasant and memorable than unpremeditated sex? You're kidding me, right?
Casual sex can be very pleasant and memorable, Robin Michael.
If you talk to people who work in healthcare, you'll realise that "casual
sex" doesn't have the same allure for some of them as a posting name. I think of a physician and friend who complained to us about all the STDs he had been treating. STDs are sexually transmitted diseases. I don't feel disgusted. My feeling is more of a sad one. They are preventable diseases, but people who treat sex casually outside of a monogamous relationship truly bring problems to other people.
I'm sorry if you don't like this. Of course, you can do what you want. It really isn't "shocking", but this is my viewpoint. I know many stories from working in the hospital and knowing patients, physicians and nurses.
<<If you talk to people who work in healthcare, you'll realise that "casual
sex" doesn't have the same allure for some of them as a posting name. I think of a physician and friend who complained to us about all the STDs he had been treating. STDs are sexually transmitted diseases. I don't feel disgusted. My feeling is more of a sad one. They are preventable diseases, but people who treat sex casually outside of a monogamous relationship truly bring problems to other people.
I'm sorry if you don't like this. Of course, you can do what you want. It really isn't "shocking", but this is my viewpoint. I know many stories from working in the hospital and knowing patients, physicians and nurses. >>
Meh, every advantage has its disadvantages. What about cars? A lot of people die in cars but that's no reason to stop using them.
There is a right way to drive a car and a not-so-wise way. Whether car or body, abuse sometimes lands the driver in the hospital.
When I'm saying 'casual sex' I'm thinking of two responsible adults who happen to fall in love for a period of time. It could be three hours or a lifetime. 'Casual' simply refers to 'unpremeditated' or 'spontaneous'. In marriage or other long-time relationship partners often tend to turn their sex into a routine loosing the charm and romance along the way. 'Casual sex' in my mind is the opposite to this sad phenomena. It's 'magick of love' against 'routine of marital obligations'. Okay? Nothing to do with abuse or STD, okay?
I think the most commonly used expression is "Ladies who lunch".
Talking of which have you ever seen a group of Ladies Lunching? It's a sight to behold especially once the bill has landed on their table at the end of the meal.....once it's been decided after much wrangling which of them is to offer a credit card to the waiter out come all the purses and calculators as they all talk against each other working out which of them had had which particular starter, which one of them had had such and such a main course, followed by a detailed discussion on the different kinds of puddings (desserts in Americanspeak) each one had or had not consumed. As for the drinks served, well, that's an entire episode in itself.....Holly had one more glass of Chardonnay than Deirdre did and Polly din't have any wine at all....all she had was a diet coke.
After all has been agreed and settled upon on who had had what washed down by whatever beverage comes the working out of who chucks what sum of money into the Bill Pool, all accompanied by the presentation of notes and coins with Sue giving Helen so much change back, Linda doing likewise with both Pam and Jane, while Emma firmly reminds Tricia that she owes her 50p as she put more into the tipping than she did.
You never, ever see blokes behaving like this in public, but at least it's very entertaining to witness. Blokes usually chuck a couple of twenties or whatever into the pool and roughly guess about any change due to them without making an almighty South Bank drama out of it all.
This whole process seems to last on average about twenty minutes.