Why is the so much fighting between the Romance languages?
Its seems barbaric. We all come from the same ancestors, why fight?
We have French saying they're so much more sophisticated, when we live in the same world.
People who are not fully educated on other languages say the language is boring, or stupid.
This is not true.
All languages have they're on charecteristics, why put them down?
And why fight back?
When people have no common enemy, they fight among each other. If German or Chinese posed real competition to the Romance languages, maybe Hispanics and the French would feel a greater comradery. There is English, but that battle was lost a long time ago...
All languages have they're on charecteristics, why put them down?
Boring statement.
It is not the romance language speakers that fight, but silly trolls that pretend to be romance speakers.
<<It is not the romance language speakers that fight>>
Romance languages can't fight because they don't have hands, legs or weapons.
<< We have French saying they're so much more sophisticated >>
-- Toujours cette manie d'attribuer aux Français des propos et des opinions qu'ils ne songent pas à tenir. Comique.
Because they're of approximately equal strength, utility, and popularity.
Because language and culture have became political issue.
" << We have French saying they're so much more sophisticated >> "
I don't know no one french that would think that way. Thinking french=sophistication is not a french thought at all, it is the tipical (and ridiculous to someone who know how France is messy) cliché about french in the English speaking cultures. (by the way this cliché has never been based on the french people of france, but on the french speaking peoples of the old english court... which explains why this cliché says: french people=aristocratic snobs, while in France we don't even have an aristocracy anymore...)
" It is not the romance language speakers that fight, but silly trolls that pretend to be romance speakers. "
Very true. Some English or other germanic speakers here try to create a inside "war" among romance speakers... this is ridiculous! especially when we see the bad level of french or spanish they use!
Just the French and Spanish speaking people are used to fighing on this forum. Why? Because the French know that their language has been losing prestige all around the world as well as their country. As for the Spanish speaking people They have only the language to show off, their economy is generally insignificant or even underdeveloped most of the time and their cultural influence is almost inexistent worldwide.
<< Some English or other germanic speakers here try to create a inside "war" among romance speakers... >>
-- Faux.
<< Just the French and Spanish speaking people are used to fighing on this forum. >>
-- Inexact.
<< Because the French know that their language has been losing prestige all around the world as well as their country. >>
-- Ridicule !
<< As for the Spanish speaking people They have only the language to show off, their economy is generally insignificant or even underdeveloped most of the time and their cultural influence is almost inexistent worldwide. >>
-- Sans commentaire...
<< Thinking french=sophistication is not a french thought at all, it is the tipical cliché about french in the English speaking cultures. >>
-- Pas faux.
Le seul stéréotype que nous avons des Anglophones (spécialement des Américains) est que ce sont des gens qui pensent par stéréotypes.
Je note qu'ils ont souvent à coeur de montrer combien ce cliché est fondé.
I'm spaniard and i think French is a valuable language, in fact after english is the most foreign language study in spain, chinese hasn't got over it.
People at spain and me want to learn french as far as we live in a multi-language environment, the UE.
" << Because the French know that their language has been losing prestige all around the world as well as their country. >> "
I'm sorry but you seem knowing nothing about french culture and mentality... No one here think that french had some sort of "prestige" around the world. We never associate our own language with the concept of "prestige" as the english speaking peoples do.
Once again thinking that way is a tipical non-french point of view. we have always known that french is a secondary or tiercery language (and absolutly don't care about that). We all have been raised in the idea thta english is the dominant world language, that german is the most important native language in continental Europe, and that Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and HIndi are the most widely spoken languages in the world.
I'm must say that I myself never really realised how much french was important in the past (before english took over) until I began to hear some comments in this kind of internet language forums stating that french was the lingua franca... that was sort of surprise that foreign people saw my language as an important one, compoaring its importance with English...
People at spain
What about improving your English instead?