Je veux t'aimer tout le temps.
Aimes-moi aussi!
T'es prĂȘt venir avec moi?
Aimes-moi aussi!
T'es prĂȘt venir avec moi?
To flirt in different languages
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Je veux t'aimer tout le temps.
Aimes-moi aussi! T'es prĂȘt venir avec moi?
Je veux t'aimer tout le temps.
Aimes-moi aussi! T'es prĂȘt venir avec moi?
A native English speaker who is able to converse in a foreign language could have a lot of success with women in the country where that language is spoken.
Maybe that's a message that could be promoted - learning a language gets you laid.
>>Maybe that's a message that could be promoted - learning a language gets you laid. <<
I'd say: learning that language while teaching English as a native yourself gets you laid.
<<Maybe that's a message that could be promoted - learning a language gets you laid. >>
It certainly ups your chances
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