adj. Tending to make or become worse. Disparaging; belittling.
n. A disparaging or belittling word or expression.
"Collaboration" is clearly being used in a negative way in the original example.
"Cooperation is one thing," Belknap said gruffly. "Collaboration is another."
"Collaboration." The operative's eyes narrowed. "With our adversaries."
"No!" Stavros yelped. "Not that. Never that."
adj. Tending to make or become worse. Disparaging; belittling.
n. A disparaging or belittling word or expression.
"Collaboration" is clearly being used in a negative way in the original example.
"Cooperation is one thing," Belknap said gruffly. "Collaboration is another."
"Collaboration." The operative's eyes narrowed. "With our adversaries."
"No!" Stavros yelped. "Not that. Never that."