The Anti-Hero
Bonnie and Clyde
Classic anti-heroes
They did something wrong.
Yet they had popular support.
Their crime
Robbing Banks.
Robin Hood, my namesake is another classic anti-hero
My favourite is the Satan. He is evil and all that but I still worship him!
I don't think robbing banks is wrong. Banks abuse from people who need the money.
Bonnie and Clyde were folk heroes.
"A time when bank robbers were folk heroes"
"Dillinger was just as famous; he was a folk hero. This is partly because he was robbing banks at a time when banks were foreclosing mortgages and throwing people off their farms (a context that is oddly missing in the film.) There's a scene in Public Enemies where Dillinger returns money to a bank customer because it is his, not the bank's; it's similar to a scene in Bonnie and Clyde where Clyde lets an old farmer keep his money because he won't rob the common folk."
I own all anti-heroes.
This place fucking sucks.
Vengeance is mine said the Lord
Beware: 'Nemo Me Impune Lacessit' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robin Michael,
Can you explain to me the point of this thread? Why is a gratuitous posting on outlaws supposed to be a useful topic in a forum dedicated to discussing English language matters?
Also, why do you parse your writing in such a peculiar fashion? I'm referring here to your knack for carriage returns ("ENTER" on your keyboard). You keep injecting what you write with too many of them. It's rather annoying.
With every good wish,
Dear Achab
In a forum dedicated to discussing English language matters, why discuss 'outlaws'?
What I am discussing are 'Words'. Words like 'outlaw' and 'antihero'.
Why am I using carriage returns, ('ENTER' on my keyboard) to break up my writing?
I am using the space that is available to draw attention to certain words and sentences. In Antimoon, I cannot use bold type or italics. I cannot underline words or use different colours. So instead I use space.
I saw a television programme in which it discussed the introduction of films with antiheroes in them. The television programme said that the introduction of 'antiheroes' coincided with the Great Depression, the collapse of Banks, and a loss of faith in the American Dream.
Films in which the bad guy won, and the loose woman suceeded, caused a moral backlash.and lead to the 'Hays Code'.
Have you heard of the Hays Code?
When I studied English, I studied English language and English literature. I suspect from your question you are only interested in 'English language'.
My favourite anti-hero is Osama bin Laden.
I did not use my spellchecker before posting. On reading what I have written I have spotted a line that is not very elegant.
"I saw a television programme in which it discussed the introduction of films with antiheroes in them."
I would like to rewrite it.
"I saw a television programme in that discussed the introduction of films with antiheroes in them."
I am happy to communicate with you Achab.
As well as writing for you. I am also writing for myself. As I write, and rewrite, I learn. I also look up articles on Wikipedia and increase my knowledge.
What do you think is best?
increase my knowledge
expand my knowledge
First of all I wrote 'expand my knowledge'. I also considered writing 'increase my knowledge and understanding of the English language', but I decided not to.
expand my consciousness
Achab: I am having a discussion with myself about the English language.
"I saw a television programme in that discussed the introduction of films with antiheroes in them."
Should be
"I saw a television programme that discussed the introduction of films with antiheroes in them."
Ok, so now we're writing for ourselves? So Antimoon has become a personal blog of Robin Michael where he can post his "musings"? What a joke. In that case I'll post my musings too:
Hmmm, right now I am sitting at my desk.
My desk is made of wood.
There is a light layer of dust covering approximately 3/4 of the desks surface, the layer is thicker in the corners where it can settle without being disturbed. Right in front of where I am seated there is practically no dust because I disturb it when I work here.
There is a small stack of coins to my right, about 45 centimetres from me. I can't tell how much there is, but I'd say about 5 dollars in total. There is also a paper clip. It is about one centimetre long and is black. There is also a munted staple. It is there because the other day I went to staple a bunch of papers together but I didn't squeeze hard enough and the staple didn't go all the way through. I had to pull the staple out and try again, and I just tossed the munted staple onto the desk. And there it is there! It's still there!
There is also a handkerchief on the desk, behind the computer. It is blue. It is rectangular and made of cloth.
There is also a dirty cup to my left. I had a coffee and now it is empty.
There is also a receipt near the cup. Interesting, the receipt is from a week ago when I bought a packet of batteries.
In front of me there is a wall. The wall is a white-beige colour and has a slightly rough surface. The wall fills my field of vision, I must raise my head about 45 degrees above the horizontal plane in order to see the place where the wall meets the ceiling.
If I then rotate my head to the left by 45 degrees, I can see a point in which three planes intersect- the wall in front of me, the wall to my right, and the ceiling.
There is a dark shadows in that corner, because not much light reaches that point because the lights in this room are quite deeply embedded in the ceiling.
Behind me there is a chair. It is blue. It has a cushion on it, the purpose of the cushion is to provide support to the person who sits on it. On one of the armrests of the chair is a magazine.
On the floor in front of the chair there is an umbrella. It is also blue. It has a hook on it serving as a handle. I last used the umbrella a week ago. On that day it was raining and I thought that the umbrella would serve to keep me dry. In the end though, it stopped raining and I didn't need it.
THAT is how boring you are Robin Michael. Now do you understand what it's like?
he'll find new words in there, be sure...
<<My desk is made of wood. >>
Authenic wood? Apparently, you're living in the lap of luxury.
My tabletop (no desk here) is made of particleboard covered with wood-grained plastic. I'm lucky in one though -- the outer walls of this place are real plywood (not particleboard or strandboard).