do all Scottish, Irish and Welsh speak English?

meic   Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:54 pm GMT
after reading this blog i am still amazed at the english attitude towards welsh,scots,and it would seem any non english people, even though the english are made up of french an germans and any other race you care to mention,as for franny i think she's desparately trying to defend a disappearing nation, as for her comments on wales being kicked out of the uk i'm all for independance and being a welsh speaker( my children speak welsh to)and speaking to non welsh speakers the opinion is much the same-down with the bigotted english and exspose them for what they are ,small minded people clinging to the shirt tails of an empire based on elitism and death,soon the likes of franny will realise the celtic nations have and have had a greater influance than she'll admit although they all know it deep down even they're judicial system is based on the ancient laws of a cymro aka hywel dda. cymru am byth meic
Alex   Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:38 pm GMT
Adam, why are you going on about Scotland? I'm Welsh.
Adam   Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:40 pm GMT
"The first recorded steam device, the aeolipile, was invented by Hero of Alexandria, a Greek, in the 1st century AD, but used only as a toy.[1] In 1663, Edward Somerset, 2nd Marquess of Worcester published designs for, and may have installed, a steam-powered engine for pumping water at Vauxhall House."
Adam   Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:43 pm GMT
"Adam needs to think on - many of the things he accepts as part of his everyday life were spawned in very inventive SCOTTISH brains and started life here in Scotland:

Television * Telephone * Pneumatic tyre * Tarmacadam * Thermos flask * Anaesthesia * Penciliin * Kaleidoscope * The Steam Engine * The Vacuum cleaner * "

Did you hear about the bigot who hates all things English? He makes a good living in the Concreting business, because almost everything in the City depends on this industry. It's just a pity that reinforced concrete was invented by W.B. Wilkinson in Newcastle, England.

Our bigot's home uses electric power generated by steam turbines, which were invented by Sir Charles Parsons. Many of his home appliances use electric motors, which were invented by Londoner Michael Faraday. These range from vacuum cleaners, the invention of Englishman Hubert Booth, to sewing machines, invented by Englishman Charles Weisenhall back in 1755.

However, not all of his appliances run on electric motors. There's his Microwave Oven, based on the Magnetron invented by Sir John Randall and Dr H A H Boot at Birmingham University. His modern Central Heating unit, designed by Englishman A H Barker, and even his TV set, the brainchild of Englishman Shelford Bidwell. Even the television's production depended on the invention of the cathode-ray tube by London physicist Sir William Crookes.

All of these things reminded our bigot too much of England, so he turned on his radio for news from another country more to his liking. It didn't help much though, because he remembered that satellite radio transmitters are powered by fuel cells invented by the English chemist Francis T Bacon.

He thought of expressing his frustration by writing an angry letter. But it wouldn't go anywhere without the postal system, created in London by Sir Rowland Hill. That is, unless he chose to send his letter by e-mail on a computer - the brainchild of Englishman Sir Charles Babbage.

Our bigot then briefly considered getting away from it all - flying off to some remote place with nothing to remind him of English genius. But then he recalled that modern jet aircraft engines were designed by English test pilot Sir Frank Whittle.

He then decided to do some home chores, so he thought about washing the dishes - but his kitchen sink is made of stainless steel, invented by Englishman Sir Harry Brearly. To make matters worse, he noticed that his favourite and most useful kitchen utensils were made of plastic, the brainchild of Birmingham professor Alexander Parkes.

So, desperate to avoid the brilliance of the English, he headed out doors - passing on the way his modern WC, designed by Londoner Alexander Cummings. Once outside, he noticed that the lawn was a bit overgrown because he couldn't bring himself to use the lawn mower, originally designed by Edwin Budding of Gloucestershire.

Our bigot, now completely distracted by anger, turned around and walked straight into one of his prized rose bushes, badly scratching his arms and hands. Briefly, he was glad that his Tetanus shots were up to date - until he remembered that immunisation was discovered by Dr Edward Jenner, another Gloucestershire man.

This was all too much - All of this contact with English brilliance just about gave the poor chap a heart attack. It's just as well that he had previously been fitted with a cardiac pacemaker, the invention of English surgeon W H Walshe.

Feeling very run-down, emotionally depressed and really quite ill, our bigot decided that he'd better go to the doctors for a check-up. After a breif consultation, the doctor announced that he needed an urgent blood transfusion to save his life. Fortunately, this was quickly arranged and our bigot survived - thanks mostly to James Blundell, who pioneered blood transfusions at Guy's Hospital, London.
Adam   Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:44 pm GMT
"Adam, why are you going on about Scotland? I'm Welsh. "

I'm sorry to hear that. I know how hard that must be for you. Please accept my dearest sympathies.
Adam   Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:51 pm GMT
"It was two Scotsmen that stoped us being invaded by the nazi's."

Was that not the Englishman Sir Winston Churchill and the British Army Navy and Air Force, the VAST majority of which consists of Englishmen?
Alex   Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:50 am GMT
Ever heard of Meibion Glyndwr Adam? Just don't leave anything flamable in your house.
james   Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:19 am GMT
Is no one proud to be british anymore.My father was in the war and served with many scots irish and welsh friends.We have maybe got our own languege's and customs but i'm pretty sure if some foriener started bad mouthing british institutions like the armed forces and such. every one on these islands would defend them to the hilt.
Cian ó Connailláin   Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:25 am GMT
I'm here to correct all the common missconceptions of the Irish language:

1. The language is called "Gaeilge" in Irish...and "Irish" in english...there is no such thing as gaelic!!!

2. Everyone up to college level has to learn Irish in school and has to be able to speak it for state exams...after that it doesn't matter.

3. I can speak fluent Irish and many younger people can.

4. There are certain areas in Ireland called "an ghaelteacht" who speak Irish all the time..but everyone in these areas is fluent in English. These get smaller every year. Now at about 6% of the population.

5. If you go up to a person on the street and expect them to speak Irish...they have it long forgotten.

6. Irish is a dying language.

Tá brón orm go bhfuil sé ag fáil bás ach ní mhaith éinne in Eirinn an teanga a labhairt. Tá an teanga go hálainn áfach agus tiocfaidh an lá go mbeidh gach chontae in Eirinn saor as Bhreatain agus ní duiltóimid an teanga uafásach "Béarla"
Sin é.
Mick Hutchison   Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:10 am GMT
well let me just say i have to problem with the english people on a general scale (sort of ) . Its the country i hate as the english try to take credit for everythin . Scots are the most fun loving people on earth and also the most loyal . we mite no be the size of youz or have as many people but al we do is have a drink and party.Whilst also sort out most of your problems 73% of the SAS are scottish . we have the best squadrin in britain . Because most english are not tough enough the scots are mens men unlike (some) of the english
Take people as you see them but I am scotish and will never be british

God Bless celtic fc

alex   Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:42 pm GMT
What is British James? For example, Where is Wales on the Union Jack?
Jess   Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:42 am GMT
Hi, I've got a question for anyone who can speak Irish. I (sadly) was born and raised in America, though I'm of Irish descent. Because of that, I really, REALLY want to know how to speak my ancestors' native tongue. Can anyone recommend where it would be the best place to learn Irish, and how? Thanks to anyone who can or will respond. By the way, happy to hear you got back to Scotland after your "exile", Damian. =)

And as for you, Adam--stop being so damn racist!
Damian in Edinburgh   Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:28 pm GMT

Thanks for your message. Aye, it's great to be back hame in Edinburgh. Not that I didn't enjoy working in London - I did! ...and having a funtime there as well in spite of the expense!....but now I'm happy to be home in Scotland. With a nice pay rise after my time in London I'm even happier. Now I'm off out to spend some of it on a good Saturday night out in Edinburgh.

PS: Jess - do try and go to Ireland - your ancestral home. The Irish are mega friendly and welcoming. Last year I spent a day out in Dublin when staying with a mate in North Wales and spent the night in Dublin as well - by accident - we missed the last ferry back to Holyhead! Ha! .... but believe me - it was worth it! What a city...what great people.

Jess   Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:42 pm GMT
Thank you so much for responding, Damian! But...a question about Ireland--er, how friendly are they about Americans? I know my country isn't really known-for-the-better at this time. Do you think the fact that I'm from America with influence my vist any way negative?...I'm a bit worried about that... Anyway, good luck on your night out at Edinburgh!
User   Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:51 pm GMT
>> Thank you so much for responding, Damian! But...a question about Ireland--er, how friendly are they about Americans? I know my country isn't really known-for-the-better at this time. Do you think the fact that I'm from America with influence my vist any way negative?...I'm a bit worried about that... Anyway, good luck on your night out at Edinburgh! <<

Just fake a strong Australian accent, and then they'll think you're Australian. Watch some Crocodile Hunter movies, and then really exaggerate the accent.