do all Scottish, Irish and Welsh speak English?
***they just do it to annoy the English***
Exactly! That was my whole point. And it's certainly not confined to Wales! Similar tactics are employed in those parts of Scotland where Gaelic is spoken, such as the Western Isles. I know it's not nice, but there you go...that's the way it is. I remember when I was at uni and this stroppy English guy whinged to me about the "unfriendly attitude" he and his family met when they went "over the sea to Skye"...well, crossed the Lochalsh on the Kyle bridge to be precise.... All I could do was shrug my Scottish shoulders and suggested he read up on his history! I think from memory that I bought him a pint though, and mumbled something about letting bygones be bygones....
Da iawn ti meic am dysgu'r iaith, Well rewyf wedi ei siarad cyn saesneg felly mi ges i gam mawr cyn ti ond cofia poble fel chi sydd angen ar y Cymry Cymraeg,
Cadwch y negeseuon yn gymraeg pawb diolch.
***Cadwch y negeseuon yn gymraeg pawb diolch***
Noswaith dda i chwi oll yng Ngymru.
Mae gynnaf i ffrind ardderchog iawn sy'n byw yn Sir Fon yng Ngogledd Cymru - Andrew yw eu enw, ac yr wyf yn dysgu Cymraeg tipyn bach drwy ef ond nid'wyn da iawn yn siarad yr iaith erbyn hyny! :-( Os gwelwch yn dda .....paid a bod yn......blino hefo fi?
Oddiwrth Damian yn Edinburgh, yr Albaen.
A wee bit in English now:
PS: I hope my Welsh friends here understand my message, or at least get the gist of what I tried to say from memory. If Andrew should ever read it - my humble apologies for any cock ups. He has laboured long and patiently trying to teach me the Language, mainly by MSN and texts and occasional face to face contacts.
Hwyl fawr.
What a load of total tosh the welsh language is.Read a paragraph from a newspaper,into a tape recorder.Then play backwards and your quite close.As i have said on this forum many a time,the welsh love all the English investment into there country, plus all the glorification that goes with being part of a leading world power.But turn our backs and there bad mouthing us as usaul.The same Welshman that would not here a bad word about the British armed forces or British firms like Rolls Royce or B.P,Would quite happily talk in welsh to irritate English people.You can see it in evidence on this forum.
O cau dy geg hen franny does neb angen gwrando arnat y sais fochedd
dyma ni eto gyda fran yn malu cachu,yr unig pobl sy'n cwyno a conan am y iaith cymraeg yw y season pob tro,dyna albanwr rhoi ei amser e i dysgu ychydig geiriau hyd yn oed, da iawn damian! a am arian saeson gallwch chi cadw fe mae well da fi tlwad a rhydd na dan rheol y saeson,un peth ola beth yw safon o lloegr yn y byd?cenedl grymus peidwch gwneud fi chwerthin y unig rhyun i credu hynny yw fran - druan drosti hi
hywl tan tro nesa
Ie hollol meic ma angen ir Fran / Franny na dechrau dod drosti ei deimladu am mhwrpasol. A mond holi yr undrywle beth yw safon Lloegr yn y byd tybed. Cyfarchion gorau bob tro oddi-wrth Adam Jones
(Annibyniaeth Cymru)
(Cymru am byth)
Anyone out there got a English to Jibberish dictionary handy.
"All I could do was shrug my Scottish shoulders and suggested he read up on his history! "
And you Scots have the cheek to complain about the English always talking about the year 1966, whereas you lot have to be impolite and obnoxious to English people in your country for things that happened hundreds of years ago.
<<Anyone out there got a English to Jibberish dictionary handy.>>
Sorry, but isn't it "gibberish"? Just to take the piss...
Franny, what you wrote (not to mention how you wrote) in your message is not even gibberish, it's true 'Jibberish' (sic!)!!! :-)
<<And you Scots have the cheek to complain about the English always talking about the year 1966, whereas you lot have to be impolite and obnoxious to English people in your country for things that happened hundreds of years ago.>>
I'm not sure...who's impolite?
Adam, you seem to be an ADAMant Celt-hater. Sometimes I'm inclined to think you are doing it on purpose. I reckon hating Celts takes 100 per cent of your thoughts...Bad for you, I won't spend my time and energy on hating you. But don't you ever stop it...this forum would be too peaceful and boring without you.
Adam should marry Franny. They would be a nice couple, 'cause their arguments are worth sweet 'Franny Adams'. :-)
nyma pewa ari yr rholaunig i gleddu hynny chi saeto o llomae well chi llyllomus pynt y dysgy wella pumig hylla ma: didju no ddata ddisa isa natwe elsha.
Pwy yw "Cymru" achos dyd hynnu ddim yn Gymraeg mae e wedi ei wneud lan
pwy yw cymru? rhaid fod rhywun yn cuddwisg fel saeson fran nue adam,odyn ni'n gwbod i gyd bydden nhw caru i perthyn i 'r cymry dyna pam ma nhw malu cachu pob tro am gymru, cymry a cymraeg.... trueni aryn nhw.
Welsh does look horrible, no offence intended. Franny is damn right there. What kind of language is that, a murdered form of English.
>> Welsh does look horrible, no offence intended. Franny is damn right there. What kind of language is that, a murdered form of English. <<
Ddawe elsia leng widjdaz aluk horh ibol ai agrhimo sthol harti dlu.