how bad is the word "f**k"?
may be it's just me, may be not, but when i say some "bad words" in foreign languages, i don't really feel how bad they are in reality. Moreover i ve noticed that this word is too widespread and it's everywhere - in popular songs, in films, so i have a feeling that f**k (and all related words like fukcing, fukced etc) is not so strong, am I right?
and if f8ck is not really that bad, is there anything worse?
In Russian "f88k" is translated by incredible number of words, both strong and OK for TV depending on the context, so I really have a problem to feel the word as native speakers feel it.
Thanks in advance.
It's as bad as your mother was last night, dear.
I'd love to meet you, love.
<<and if f8ck is not really that bad, is there anything worse? >>
The word 'fuck' is only as bad as its meaning implies. Think about it. Would you talk about 'fucking' in church? No. With your mother? No. It has its place, but it is a lewd and vulgar word. Be careful how you wield it.
I agree with Leasnam.
You would never say it (or at least most people would not) in church, to your grandparents, in the board room, on TV, in a public speech. But most people drop the "f bomb" freely among friends, on the golf course, even in the office. There are a some people that always find it very offensive, but most people under 55 are generally so used to it we barely give it a second thought.
What is bad is not the word, but the context.
Yelling "Fuck!" at the top of your lungs after you slice a golf ball into a bedroom window, this is almost always considered appropriate. In fact some people may judge you poorly if you dont yell it out.
On the other hand, quitely muttering "mmmm, I'd like to fuck her sweet ass!" when referring to your neighbors teenage daughter, this is always, always a no-no, and could create serious negative consequences for the rest of your life.
Hope that helps!
If it doesn't feel very strong to you, then how come you censor it even when writing it?
"Fuck" is very strong. Among friends, I wouldn't really notice its use, unless someone were using it so much that it got annoying. However, if the same friends said it in front of an elderly lady just once, I would be shocked. If I had said it in front of my mother when I was younger, I would have been skinned alive. It all depends on the situation.
You asked if there are words that may be thought worse than "fuck" in English. Generally speaking, "cunt" is nearly always an out-of-bounds word. You call a woman a "cunt", she will probably tear your balls off and serve them to you with a Pinot Noir. I am sure there are others. But most of the words that are worse than "fuck" tend to be obscure to some degree.
"cunt", "fuck" and "pussy" --some of the very worst
Hi there!
I live in that Russia too, but I wonder how that comrad give "that word" to feel it wrong, cuz it is as almost always as a rule reflects some sorta authentical lifestyle activities in the culture of ordinary day life to be trivially unacceptable enough to avoid using it outside our local community of ancient barbarians and new-way communists whom however everytime I tell to go to hell and ####ing die/