Dead Long Before 28
In the interest of full disclosure, I must tell you I have watched Brokeback Mountain no less than 45 times and I own the Limited Edition DVD, signed by Willie Nelson a short time after he wrote that queer cowboy song as a tribute to the courage of the producers and actors who broke such incredible creative ground when they made their agenda-less movie. Serious. Until I saw Bendover Brokeback, Braveheart was my favorite movie. But the love scenes of Brokeback sucked me right in and I had no choice but to give myself over to the passion of its wide open range, if you get my drift. Such courage this young man and his collaegues have. Reminds me of the courage of classic movie stars, where during the War they enlisted and flew bomber planes and fought on frontlines, then came back and picked up their lives and careers right where they left off, without anti-American sentiment, whining and complaining, or self-destructive self indulgence. I'm equally inspired.
Apparently, Leather Hedger had sleeping troubles and anxiety and dealt with terrible mood swings. So do soldiers but they don't self-destructively f*** up their lives. In fact, they don't sleep, handle anxiety and mood swings while dealing with whether or not they might at any moment lose their life. And they do this all the while they are dangerously protecting the freedom of others to f*** up their own. By the way, how many 28 (or older or younger) year old soldiers met their death yesterday? It's not easy to find out. None of them made the headlines of any news.
By today's standard, though, I do have to agree that he was a great father. Perhaps even greater then the father of the year, Hulk Hogan. After all, Leather Hedger did what it took to kill himself. His kid is without a father, yes, but the negative influence is now removed and his own child has the chance for a full recovery. Hogan, on the other hand, won't go quite that far. He insists on sticking around to keep further ruining, and profiting off of, the parentally mismanaged lives of his own children.
It is sad and tragic ... that we don't demand attention be paid to greater things.
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Who cares about Ledger? He's was a tool and he's dead now and I am quite stoked! I cannot understand why people care so much about these "stars". They're people, and they die, like everyone else. The same with Michael Jackson.
Indeed, soldiers are more worthy of respect than some stupid actor in a gay flick.
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Guns don't kill people, the government does!
Leather Hedger? You are writing this as a joke. I can't laugh because of the Hate Crimes bill. Maybe someone would misunderstand my laughter and accuse me of, that would be sounding like a gay person.
ESL learners: Do not use my post as a definition for Homophonia.
What's with the Hank Hill posts? Hank's a fine guy, 'n all...
I am planning to make a sequel to Brokeback Mountain called Brokeback Family. It's where a mother falls in love with her son. It is going to be a truly heart warming story of love against all odds. I don't just want to tell a great story of passion, but I also want to raise awareness for the rights of the incestuous, who are prevented from expressing their natural feelings due to ignorance and closed-mindedness.
However, I need actors, any one here wanna join in the action? K.T., you could play the son maybe. Or maybe Robin Michael would be good, as he could probably relate to the story on a personal level. Nothing better to give a good acting performance than being able to identify with the character you're playing.
I didn't see Brokeback Mountain, only clips. It didn't sound interesting to me. I'm not interested in plays like Phedra either, so I wouldn't be interested in your gender-bending play.
I don't have a lot of respect for actors. OOH, an actor told me to vote for so and so....guess I better run out and vote for that candidate. Whaddya mean? The election was last year? Who won?