Portuguese vs French
Well, both languages are spoken by some 200 million people. Portuguese, perhaps, a little more.
In theory, French is more important, but it is a language in free fall, and Portuguese is increasing the number of speakers and students around the World.
So, which one will be more important in the near future?
Le français, toujours, bien sûr...
It's more elegant: some kind of crème de la crème.
Portuguese is nice too, but the economy of Portugal could be compared with the Sierra Leone's one. Sorry.
economy of Portugal could be compared with the Sierra Leone's one. Sorry.
I lol'd
Portugal is not Spain: you have to know a foreign language there. Older people will speak some French, and younger people with speak some English.
Whose Joao opened this topic? Joao (Jean in French, Juan in Spanish, John in English, etc) is the most common name in Portugal.
This troll is a different Joao, among thousands.
I am not bothered by this kind of childlish competition. Really do not care which language is more important BS
Or Joao in Brazil...
Well, Velaine, the economy of Portugal + the economy of Brazil will be stronger than the French one in several years...
BTW, your country, France, in a World map is like Sierra Leone, not like Brazil...
Descendant of Latin (with little Iberic substratum and Arabic, Germanic superstratum) vs Latin-Germanic mixed language.
Descendant of Latin (with little Iberic substratum and Arabic, Germanic superstratum)
Arabic substratum would mean the peoples who acquired the Latin language in the Iberian peninsula were Arabic speakers. In reality they spoke Celtic languages, possibly an Italic one (Lusitanian), and Iberian. These are substratum. Germanic and Arabic languages are superstratum.
I'm glad that French is properly compared with other languages at its same level like Portuguese. Immediate rival of French is not Spanish but Portuguese. Both have the same number of speakers.
I'm glad that French is properly compared with other languages at its same level like Portuguese.
Even Portuguese is more spoken than French.
Portuguese some 200 million as mother tongue
French, some 75 million as mother tongue
French should be compare with Tagalog, Vietnamese or Korean, but these languages will be more spoken very soon.
No one of them are really important. English is enough...
Do the staff speak English in Euro Disney?.
Who cares? Euro Disney is going to close. For French people is disgusting an American resort in Paris. They don't go.
At this moment other Europeans prefer to go to Canary islands or Caribbean.
Perhaps, Americans should set up Euro Disney in other sunny European city.