The doomsday according to the Mayas, Ancient Chinese and even a computer program (web bot) is in 2012.
Which will be the most spoken language in 2013?
Which will be the most spoken language in 2013?
After 2012
The doomsday according to the Mayas, Ancient Chinese and even a computer program (web bot) is in 2012.
Which will be the most spoken language in 2013?
This is the reason why I consider it very significant that Antarctica is Spanish-speaking.
If the Sun explodes in 2012 (or if there's a nearby supernova/hypernova) even Antarctica wont be safe, will it?
The sun's not just suddenly going to explode, the process takes thousands of years, and it's a very slow process.
Antarctica is not Spanish speaking. You think the computer program came up with that itself? All computer programs have been made, you know. The idea was just planted by the programmer who made it. The most spoken language in 2013 will be the same language it is now.
Well, in the 2012 movie there is not a solar explosion, there is a geomagnetic reversal that can be traggered by a solar flare. Finally, there is an impressive tsunami that covers almost all the World.
If we have that experience almost all people in the World can die. The Web Bot project is a series of automated bots that search the internet for specific keywords, looking for patterns. Its co-creator, Goerge Ure, claims that its study of "web chatter" predicted the September 11 attacks in New York, though he also claims that the project can predict natural disasters, such as earthquakes. He now claims that the project has predicted that the world will end on December 21, 2012 In Antarctica, English and Spanish are the most spoken languages. Anyway, all people would die there too.
Englisch natürlich, weil Englisch die Sprache der Engel ist und wir dann alle Engel sein werden!
<< Its co-creator, Goerge Ure, claims that its study of "web chatter" predicted the September 11 attacks in New York >>
I bet he made this claim after the 9/11 attacks. What a chiz.
<<The sun's not just suddenly going to explode, the process takes thousands of years, and it's a very slow process.
Antarctica is not Spanish speaking.>> Are you perhaps taking these posts too seriously :) Anyway -- maybe the astrophysicists are wrong. Maybe the Sun is about ready to explode, or perhaps just the Earth? God certainly has the power to make the Sun or Earth explode suddenly, or perhaps make the whole universe just disappear at the snap of a finger.
I'm not really taking it too seriously, it's just that I get frustrated at this sheep-like mentality of believing that the world will end in 2012. It won't. We'll just see who's right when it comes to 2013, where there will have been a 'minor error' with the prophecy and it will in fact be another year... maybe 2102.
Also, I think that anybody claiming to have predicted the 9/11 attacks should be strung up. Using this tragic, malign attack to promote yourself is just disgusting. 'God' is a matter of opinion. Without any solid evidence, you can't use God as a factor in this argument because God is purely a matter of opinion.
<<I'm not really taking it too seriously, it's just that I get frustrated at this sheep-like mentality of believing that the world will end in 2012. It won't.>>
Maybe it will end much earlier?
<<'God' is a matter of opinion. Without any solid evidence, you can't use God as a factor in this argument because God is purely a matter of opinion. >>
But it's much easier to come up with a plausible mechanism to destroy the world in 2012, if God is in the picture. Perhaps the simplest scenario is where God just makes the Earth vanish without a trace on Dec 21, 2012. We don't need tidal waves or solar flares, etc. It's really tidy and neat, but doesn't make for a very good movie.
Bueno, acabo de bajarme de Internet, el documental de 2012 sobre el fin del mundo de History Channel en español.
La verdad es que asusta. Hay varios que han adivinado que el fin del mundo es en 2012: los mayas, Merlin, Sibila, los indios Dakota y los indios Hopi, Madre Shipton, el I ching de China y el Web bot (programa que adivina el futuro, segun su creador, claro). No se si History Channel es serio, pero la verdad es que consigue asustar.
<<Hay varios que han adivinado que el fin del mundo es en 2012:>>
How many predict the end in 2011, 2013, 2014, etc? |