Let's share writers and novels that are highly acclaimed today and would be of interest to both Native speakers as well as those who are learning the language.
1) Isabel Allende - "La casa de los espíritus" - a saga of a Chilean family through the 20th century
<<1) Isabel Allende - "La casa de los espíritus" - a saga of a Chilean family through the 20th century >>
This is a total copy of "Cien años de soledad" by García Márquez.
I started reading the House of Spirits, and immediately encountered this strange metaphor. Could someone please explain me the homosexual reference???
"El único favorecido con el luto era el patrono de la iglesia, san Sebastián, porque en Semana Santa le ahorraba a los fieles el espectáculo de su cuerpo torcido en una postura indecente, atravesado por media docena de flechas,chorreando sangre y lágrimas, como un homosexual sufriente, cuyas llagas, milagrosamente frescas gracias al pincel del padre Restrepo, hacían estremecer de asco a Clara. "