>>>Damian in Edinburgh Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:42 pm GMT
Shuimo: I deny nothing......what is, is in my opinion...and in any case I groaned when I saw your new thread title as I had just spent more time than I could afford about this same theme in the other thread you referred to, after which I said I wasn't going to discuss my sexuality in this Forum any further as it really is inappopriate and of no concern to anyone else anyway. <<
Then, oops, you did it again (or perhaps will do it again and again)! Your reply is always apprecaited by Shuimo, but only when it is about a social-linguistic matter in a vivid vein, not the groaning sort targeting a certain poster, as you did against me!
BTW: sexuality (whether it being yrs or others') of course can be discussed here as long as it is in relation to language! In fact, there are so many interesting issues to be explored about sexuality and language, which, unfortunately, have been either discouraged or even repressed due to the insufferable mean fellows waving pussy PC clubs everywhere, which I surely believe this forum is never in any shortage of!
>>There's no such thing as a gay accent....as with straight people gay people come in all types and in all ranges of accents and styles of speaking. The ludicrous gay male stereotype of limp wristed high falsetto speech littered with polari is not at all borne out in actual fact. Can you imagine a hunky 17 stone prop forward rugby player who also happens to be gay speaking and conducting himself in that sterotypical way? I know several, and they certainly do not! Neither do the several very masculine looking, and sounding, gay police officers here in Edinburgh I am personally acquainted with...and several more down in London and in other places. >>
Whether there being a gay accent or not, is yet for disputes! Don't make such hasty claims!
You cann't make such autocratic claims merely on scattered pieces of evidence of a few gay males you personally know!
People often say girly, pinky men's accent are typical accent of gays! What deserves investigation is why people have such conceptions or misconceptions! There must be sth behind this saying! Further investigation to testify this is sorely lacking!
>>They would be really quite offended - or, knowing them, more likely highly amused, to be very wrongly assumed to have something called a "gay accent". >>
But about other gay males you don't know?
>>Only a minority of gay men sound like the late and camp Kenneth Williams or Charles Hawtrey, or the very much alive and much impersonated Julian Clary, who happens to be the son of a London police officer. >>
Perhaps true!
Or such people might be few in number, but powerful in influence in shaping conceptions of the general public about gay community? Often quantity and quality are not in harmony!
>>I have a distinct Edinburgh Scottish accent, and for my general physical build my voice is quite deep really...you'd never guess that I was gay if you heard me exercise my vocal chords issuing forth my Edinburgh accent....but enough now, enough! <<
Hhaha, how can we believe you, DE? Would put yr voice video on the Internet so that we all can have the hornor to make a case analysis?(*^__^*)
>>Positively NO more from me on this theme or topic in this Forum ever again! <<<
I hope not! DE, don't give up so easily!
Sexuality and language are every bit a most worthy and interesting subject for discussions and researches in the field of languages!
You just need to overcome yr own complexity of certain sort to be able to do this!
I assure you I have no prejudice against gay men! I even have one or two friends who are like you, smart and talented, through whom I know a few interesting things about the gay community!
Just relax and feel easy about it!
Shuimo: I deny nothing......what is, is in my opinion...and in any case I groaned when I saw your new thread title as I had just spent more time than I could afford about this same theme in the other thread you referred to, after which I said I wasn't going to discuss my sexuality in this Forum any further as it really is inappopriate and of no concern to anyone else anyway. <<
Then, oops, you did it again (or perhaps will do it again and again)! Your reply is always apprecaited by Shuimo, but only when it is about a social-linguistic matter in a vivid vein, not the groaning sort targeting a certain poster, as you did against me!
BTW: sexuality (whether it being yrs or others') of course can be discussed here as long as it is in relation to language! In fact, there are so many interesting issues to be explored about sexuality and language, which, unfortunately, have been either discouraged or even repressed due to the insufferable mean fellows waving pussy PC clubs everywhere, which I surely believe this forum is never in any shortage of!
>>There's no such thing as a gay accent....as with straight people gay people come in all types and in all ranges of accents and styles of speaking. The ludicrous gay male stereotype of limp wristed high falsetto speech littered with polari is not at all borne out in actual fact. Can you imagine a hunky 17 stone prop forward rugby player who also happens to be gay speaking and conducting himself in that sterotypical way? I know several, and they certainly do not! Neither do the several very masculine looking, and sounding, gay police officers here in Edinburgh I am personally acquainted with...and several more down in London and in other places. >>
Whether there being a gay accent or not, is yet for disputes! Don't make such hasty claims!
You cann't make such autocratic claims merely on scattered pieces of evidence of a few gay males you personally know!
People often say girly, pinky men's accent are typical accent of gays! What deserves investigation is why people have such conceptions or misconceptions! There must be sth behind this saying! Further investigation to testify this is sorely lacking!
>>They would be really quite offended - or, knowing them, more likely highly amused, to be very wrongly assumed to have something called a "gay accent". >>
But about other gay males you don't know?
>>Only a minority of gay men sound like the late and camp Kenneth Williams or Charles Hawtrey, or the very much alive and much impersonated Julian Clary, who happens to be the son of a London police officer. >>
Perhaps true!
Or such people might be few in number, but powerful in influence in shaping conceptions of the general public about gay community? Often quantity and quality are not in harmony!
>>I have a distinct Edinburgh Scottish accent, and for my general physical build my voice is quite deep really...you'd never guess that I was gay if you heard me exercise my vocal chords issuing forth my Edinburgh accent....but enough now, enough! <<
Hhaha, how can we believe you, DE? Would put yr voice video on the Internet so that we all can have the hornor to make a case analysis?(*^__^*)
>>Positively NO more from me on this theme or topic in this Forum ever again! <<<
I hope not! DE, don't give up so easily!
Sexuality and language are every bit a most worthy and interesting subject for discussions and researches in the field of languages!
You just need to overcome yr own complexity of certain sort to be able to do this!
I assure you I have no prejudice against gay men! I even have one or two friends who are like you, smart and talented, through whom I know a few interesting things about the gay community!
Just relax and feel easy about it!