Help neede in translating
definitions from a dictionary:
# pull a muscle - a strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of overstretching. Strains are also colloquially known as PULLED MUSCLES
# push around - treat or threaten to treat roughly, bully, domineer, as in I won't let him push me around
overall meaning:
1. Jon is saying that nobody would dare to treat G. badly (push around)
2. G. is pleased to hear that because he thinks it's a compliment to his strength (or character)
3. It turns out that what Jon really meant was: nobody would dare to push G. around because G. is too fat and heavy, so one that would try to push G. would overstretch his muscles and injure himself
It is a play of words, push around could mean both:
A) to treat someone badly
B) or literally - to PUSH someone (around)
ask away...
Don't worry, my friend: the helper is here! I'll give a hint: If stupidity had weight, we would pull a muscle when trying to throw you away.
Oh well ... As you probably find the hint above too difficult, I do help in translating and provide you with two words you may find helpful: آسیب and ماهیچه.
You were successful in demotivating ME. LOL!
@ Casual Sex:
The information you have provided was very helpful. Thank you.
@a demotivator:
Why do you think insulting people is a good idea?