Australian accent
Hi guys.
"Are you happy today?"
In Autralian accent, this sentence sounds sort of like ..." Are you happy to die?"
Am I correct?
BTW, I find Aussie accent very sexy...
Wake up. Time to work!
Garfield, thank you though that's thoughtful wish.
So, when a husband says to his wife, "I want you today.", does his wife take off her clothes or jump into the river?
I wouldn't say Australia 'a' is identical to GA or RP 'i'. It's pretty close in the broadest of accents though.
It sounds like that only to speakers of other dialects, but certainly not to Australians. Also when they hear, say a North American say "play" it sounds to them like their "play" and not their "ply". So it only goes one way.
what kind of language do you speak, i had a friend from oz and i never understood what he meant all about because his english was so complicate as yours. why don't you speak clearly. I wish if mean what you mean and i will somehow get to know what you mean is that so difficult. i just give up.
Australian ''lust, bus'' sounds like Western US ''lost, boss'', with [รค] that is...
Ace! : Excellent! Very good!
Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football
Amber fluid : beer
Ambo : ambulance, ambulance driver
Ankle biter : small child
Apples, she'll be : It'll be all right
Arvo : afternoon
Aussie (pron. Ozzie) : Australian
Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand
Avos : avocados
Might, this is ice!
[mate, this is ace!]
You know right now I'm watching the movie Australia without subtitles and y I cannot understand so many things. I had a friend from NZ and when she talked to me it was so easy to understand her. Those words which you explained sound interesting to me. But if you go to States and said arvo or avos there aren't much people who can understand you.
Very interesting...
Make = Mike..