It should be a democracy, just like North Korea.
Should German become the sole official language of the EU?
EU president Herman Van Rompuy used his native Dutch (with English and French) in his first speech in EU parliament.Perhaps he showed,how imortant is native language for every European.
France is a medium sized power and it still thinks to be a superpower! I cannot help laughing. Even in Europe its importance is less and less evident
I don't mind the idea of the EU as a loose gathering of nations but I don't fancy the European Superstate model at all. Trying to impose one language on the EU will lead to squabbles, believe me.
latin Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:47 am GMT
Brussels is an ugly city, anyway, what about Amsterdam or Bonn
Aachen, the city of Europe´s creator Karl, shall become the capital of the Western civilization including Russia, Australia and the both Americas
Brussels is an ugly city, anyway, what about Amsterdam or Bonn
Aachen, the city of Europe´s creator Karl, shall become the capital of the Western civilization including Russia, Australia and the both Americas
My tiny village of 560 souls in the middle of foggy Po Valley should become Europe capital
Brau Luca, però te set in cumpetision cun el me che'l gh'ha 2200 abitant.
I'm hoping for a revolution in Russia and that the new regime will be aimed at the EU. This Eurasian alliance, should be a great superpower.
<<Aachen, the city of Europe´s creator Karl, shall become the capital of the Western civilization including Russia, Australia and the both Americas >>
Descendant of Salian Franks became the president of European Union.
Descendant of Salian Franks became the president of European Union.
encore Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:05 pm GMT
<<Aachen, the city of Europe´s creator Karl, shall become the capital of the Western civilization including Russia, Australia and the both Americas >>
Descendant of Salian Franks became the president of European Union.
That´s a first step, indeed.
<<Aachen, the city of Europe´s creator Karl, shall become the capital of the Western civilization including Russia, Australia and the both Americas >>
Descendant of Salian Franks became the president of European Union.
That´s a first step, indeed.
Alemannia ole ole ole!!!
Picking a couple of major languages to make them official is discriminatory. EU must choose an artificial language, because no national language can official while others are not. Plus it would have to be easy to learn in order to maximize the uniting effect. Esperanto, Interlingua, or they can make up a new one.