Nu chtozh? Chto nowogo? Kak ze M-DZHEI-DI udalosj prognatj Danni? Ego bannirowali chtoli? Ili Danni prosto spit i wotwot werniotsja? Ohenj interesnyj wopros, w nature.
Who votes antimoon makes it so you have to register to post?
<<That's the point. Those forums have hundreds of members, Antimmon will have about 5 members. Who wants to visit a forum with 5 members when there are ones with hundreds of members? The only thing that sets Antimoon apart from any other is its lack of moderation.
Anyway, if it's really so bad why don't you go and join one of these forums with hundreds of members? >>
I have. This isn't the only forum I frequent. And registration didn't scare me off, or anybody else from what I can see.
Anyway, if it's really so bad why don't you go and join one of these forums with hundreds of members? >>
I have. This isn't the only forum I frequent. And registration didn't scare me off, or anybody else from what I can see.
<<That's the point. Those forums have hundreds of members, Antimmon will have about 5 members.>>
How will you know? Are you a claervoyant?
How will you know? Are you a claervoyant?
"And registration didn't scare me off, or anybody else from what I can see."
We don't have registration yet, so I don't understand that.
We don't have registration yet, so I don't understand that.
Well are you happy now? All very boring now without the trolls isn't it?
lol yeah, we arent gone, just busy with exams and work and other things. we will be back trolling up a storm... maybe tonight ;)
How did they get rid of them? Did they ban their IP addresses?
Trolls union comment=funny
Trolls union comment=funny
Maybe you could code in a censorship system whereby posts containing expletives would be omitted? You'd still get teh typikl 4king r-soles and Merchant Bankers with one hand on the keyboard and the other on their Philip K. but it may make it a bit harder for them, or if not at least it'd be fun to see what they came up with to get round the censor...
Maybe they could change the qualifying question at the bottom each time you open a forum topic? It would get boring for spammers to look up the answers.