Which French accent is vowel friendly?
Which French accent is vowel friendly? The Northern one or the southern one ?
I have heard that the Northerners pronounce <bonjur sa va > and the Southerners <bnjur sva> Or is the other way around ?
The southern one keeps the vowels.
"Qu'est-ce qui se passe" will be pronounced
"keskispass" in northern
"keskissepasse" in southern
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux?"
"kestuveu" in northern french
"kesketuveu" in southern
even in words without vowel somle southern pronounce it :
ex: "pneu"
"pneu" in northern
"peuneu" in southern
They both pronounce that bonjour phrase the same way akin to your first example. Yes, like the above poster, I think the Northern accent might be simpler since certain syllables are often discarded, especially due to the mute 'e'. e.g. je te ferais savoir, becomes: j't'le f'rais savoir.
Merci beaucoup ! for examples !
Thank you very much. You have been most helpful.
Furthermore, in the southern French accent words of more than one syllable have one of their syllables stressed, making it much easier to tell where a word ends and where another begins.
Merci beaucoup
[mexsi buku] ;)
My pleasure. :)
However, merci beaucoup is not pronounced the way you wrote it.
It's either
[mERsi boku] (northern accent)
[mERsi bOku] / [mExsi bOku] (southern accent).
[buku] is also very used, it's more closed than [boku]
"[buku] is also very used, it's more closed than [boku]"
Err... no.
I am french but i don't especially like France....
99% of french are stupid
<< I am french but i don't especially like France....
99% of french are stupid >>
Why this strange opinion?
"Why this strange opinion?"
No particular reason. Just a troll trying to be fed. Don't feed it.
99% of the people of the country i am from are stupid because they vote for stupid presidents and after that they complain about that. It is only in latin countries the people complain all the time! I don't lmike France, some people think it is a nice counttry when in fact it is rubbish!
Eric :
« [mERsi boku] (northern accent)
[mERsi bOku] / [mExsi bOku] (southern accent). »
T'as souvent été dans le Sud ?!?
Je dirais plutôt Nord = Sud = [mERsiboku] (X-Sampa) = [mɛʁsiboku] (API).