a question of legality
If murder were legalised, which regular Antimooner would you kill first (or attempt to kill, since I would probably kill you first)?
I would chose Damian since Robin hasn't been around lately. After that it would have to be Wintereis, then Shuimo.
What about you?
Hmmm, I dont think Damian or Wintereis deserve death and shuimo probably just needs a good kicking as does xie.
I would probably choose Laura Braun, but as a mercy killing rather than murder. I mean face it, would you want to go through life like that?
Edward, what kind of problem you have. Please do not include my name in any pointless conversation. I do not know you , neither you do, so stay away from me. OK. I forgive you
hahhaa.. laura is biting so hard..lol.. edward you went through the main nerve then .lol..
Garfield is leaving the building,bye bye!
I didn't write the above message.
I am pissed. This post is entirely inappropriate. Why the hell am I second on the list, God damn it!?!
<<,I am pissed. This post is entirely inappropriate. Why the hell am I second on the list, God damn it!?! >>
That just about says it all. Blatant sexual innuendo.
A gays words if I ever heard them