Two of the world's leading languages of medicine are English and French. New medical terminology in both English and French appears every year at an accelerated rate. The need for a current one-volume comprehensive French/English medical dictionary has been felt by many in English and French speaking countries, including medical writers, editors, translators, researchers, physicians, and others. While no one dictionary can cover everything in a field as vast and rapidly-evolving as medicine, the need for a major reference tool that covers most of the field is clear. With this in mind, the present volume-by far the most extensive of its kind-is launched in the first year of the new century. The largest number of the over 105, 000 terms covered by this dictionary are in the fields of clinical and laboratory medicine. Other subject areas are: social services (social security and health insurance), biochemistry, biotechnology (genetics, enzymology, cell engineering, and AIDS research), as well as psychiatry and psychology. This dictionary is the result of three decades of meticulous compilation, classification, and elucidation of actual medical documents, rather than theoretical research. It reflects the reality of the medical field in both cultures. It is to be expected that this dictionary will be updated on an annual basis, with ongoing support through the electronic media. 1150 pages. Your order on its way to you by the next business day!