How do you pronounce "mispocheh" in Yiddish?
Yiddish pronunciation
Yiddish pronunciation is like German spoken by Arabs.
I can"t think of anything more loathsome.
I can"t think of anything more loathsome.
You're entitled to your own opinion, but how is the word pronounced? Personally I like the sound of Yiddish
Yes, the word is from Hebrew, but it is pronounced differently in Yiddish. I want to know where the stress goes--Yiddish tends to accent the 1st syllable, but not always in non Germanic words. I also want to know what vowel is in "Standard' Yiddish.
If you mean this word "MISPOCHAH", it's pronounced "Mish POH heh".
You can find Yiddish words and pronunciations on the internet.
You can find Yiddish words and pronunciations on the internet.
I don't speak Yiddish. I can only understand the words that sound like German and the occasional Hebrew word I recognize.
If the spelling is wrong, I got it from a food-related site.
Maybe I should start charging for services, nu?
If the spelling is wrong, I got it from a food-related site.
Maybe I should start charging for services, nu?
No, it is more like the "po" in poem.
Here are three clues to get to the site that has how to pronounce several Yiddish words
כ ש ר (K-Sh-R, Kaf-Shin-Resh) Any of these will do
A trendy word for eating: N**H
A DELIcious place to get a sandwich.
Here are three clues to get to the site that has how to pronounce several Yiddish words
כ ש ר (K-Sh-R, Kaf-Shin-Resh) Any of these will do
A trendy word for eating: N**H
A DELIcious place to get a sandwich.
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