The Roots of Inequality
The roots of inequality
Guns, Germs and Steel Part 2 of 18
Not an EU Treaty but a book and television program on Channel Four (UK).
Guns, Germs, and Steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 12 Dec
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies is a 1997 book by Jared Diamond, professor of geography and physiology at the University of California, ...
Overview - Synopsis - Intellectual background - Reception,_Germs,_and_Steel - Cached - Similar -
Guns, Germs and Steel - Channel 4 - 12 Dec
The Internet home of Guns, Germs and Steel at Channel 4; includes Guns, Germs and Steel Series and Episode Guides. Visit for more on Guns, ... - Cached - Similar -
Nuchtoz? Pohemu ze nado nahatj tu zh temu dwazhdi? Ty s uma sashol, htoli? Ja uze prohol twoio perwoe soobshenie...
Thank you Rasputin, I appreciate you keeping my topics on the top of the pile. Last night I saw an interesting discussion about the death of comrade Sergei Magnitsky in police custody. Our comrade was a young lawyer who was investigating a fraud involving £230 Million in which the police were deeply implicated.
BBC News - Russia 'is now a criminal state', says Bill Browder
23 Nov 2009 ... The circumstances surrounding Mr Magnitsky's death have caused Bill Browder to question his attitude to Russia under Mr Putin. ... - Cached -
I also saw an interesting documentary on how Russia was isolated by the Mongols and became backward.
I also saw an interesting documentary on how Russia was isolated by the Mongols and became backward. >>
Nu eto wsio ochenj dawno. Ja ne dumayu chto eto imeet ni malejshewo otnoshenija k sowremennoj situacii w Rossii... Mozhet bytj, Rossiya kriminalnoje gosudarstwo, no mongoly w etom ne winowaty, w etom winowata sowetskaja rewoljucia...
Dear Wintereis
I read the book when it came out, a long time ago. The other night I was very pleased to see a television series called 'Guns, germs and steel'. I was so impressed when I read the book that I wrote a letter to Tony Wedgwood Benn recommending it.
( I do believe that we have a spell checker !!!)
Wedgewood with or without an 'e'?
See: Wedgwood China
Tony Benn was the M.P. for Bristol. I went along to a public meeting and I was very impressed with what he had to say. I decided to help him with his campaign. Some people really liked him. Although the campaign as a whole went badly, and he lost.
I recognised some people who had come to the public meeting to deliberately disrupt it. Tony Benn was a controversial figure as I am sure Damian will agree! When the residents of the street I lived on, put on a street play celebrating the Queen's Silver Jubilee, one local resident appeared as the devil in the form of Tony Benn.
All before Damian's time.
<<I recognised some people who had come to the public meeting to deliberately disrupt it. >>
Ja inogdo khozhu na mitingi dlja towo, htoby borotsja s OMONom.
I think that political violence is very frightening. I was quite upset by the pictures of Silvio Berlusconi being attacked.
Good point Rob.
Gordon Brown needs a kicking far more than Silvio Berlusconi does.
People have no sense of priority these days.
I took a moment and listened to some interviews with Tony Benn. As he is not a particularly well known politician in the states, I was unfamiliar with him. He sounds like many of our left wing politicians and political analysts here. He seems to have some definite points, but nothing all that revolutionary in concept. I wonder what his response would be to "Guns, Germs, and Steel". He seems to be someone who would like it for its humanistic aspects, but I wonder how he would feel about the fact that the book neither really condemns nor promotes social dominion but describes it simply as a fact of human history and,perhaps, human nature.
Thanks for telling me about Wedgewood China, but I've spent enough time dusting it in my life to know what it is. I didn't look. I presume Mr. Benn is a descendent of that family.
With that said, Here is Albert Einstein: “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
wedgwood china history
Something interesting and not all together unexpected has happened to the porcelain industry in the UK. It has gone to the Far East. In some ways it is a very unfortunate development. But producing detailed designs etc is very labour intensive. So the china is produced somewhere, where labour is cheap. The last time I was in John Lewis looking for china, I noticed that it is being produced in Bangladesh.
Dinner Service - Brands
John Lewis (6)
Portmeirion (5)
Denby (3)
Guzzini (1)
Jamie Oliver (1)
Rosenthal (1)
Thomas Loft (1)
This is a picture of a Wedgewood 'Peter Rabbit' bowl for children. I have got a similar bowl.
(Wedgewood or Wedgwood? The family is called Wedgwood.)
Tony Benn has retired and his son, Hilary, is a minister in the current Labour government.
Hilary Benn is a fourth generation MP.
Nu wot. Nihego! Wsio w porjadke. Bozhij promysel wypolnyaetsja, milostiwyj gosudarj moj. Nado prinoriwitsja k welikim xotenijam Boga, bolshe nihego nam ne suzhdeno... My nawernoe stoim na kraju welikoj bezdny, esli Bog zahochet, tuda nam pridiotsja prowalitsja, i nam ne budet spasenija. Wot imenno w etom zakljuchaetsja wsio delo, milostiwyj gosudarj moj.