Excuse me, what language is this?
Ja inogdo khozhu na mitingi dlja towo, htoby borotsja s OMONom.
Thank you for your help.
Ja inogdo khozhu na mitingi dlja towo, htoby borotsja s OMONom.
Thank you for your help.
What language is this?
Excuse me, what language is this?
Ja inogdo khozhu na mitingi dlja towo, htoby borotsja s OMONom. Thank you for your help.
Who can speak Russian in this forum?
Kto mozhesh pogovorit' po-russki v etom forume?
Кто мо́жет поговорить по-русски в этом форуме?
(I've tried to write it in Cyrillic, did I do it correctly?)
Well it's definitely Slavic. You can easily recognize that because of the word "Ja" in the first position--which definitely is a pronoun (I). Also the ht combonation and ending a word with the "y" ending.
It's very badly transliterated Russian:
Ja inogdo khozhu na mitingi dlja towo, htoby borotsja s OMONom. Я иногда хожу на мигинги для того, чтобы бороться с ОМОНом. I sometimes go to political rallies to fight with OMON (riot police).
Ya inogda khožu na migingi dlya togo, chtoby borot'sya s OMONon.
Is that a better transliteration?
Ya priedpachitaiu eta. Ya inspanski y ya pishu kak sdies, bolie ili mienie:
ya inakda jayu na mitingui dlia tobo, shtobi bapatsa s OMONam.
A visual transliteration to English:
Я иногда хожу на мигинги для того, чтобы бороться с ОМОНом. R nholAa xoxy ha mnlnhln AnR toro, yto6bl 6opotbcr c OMOHom. |