¿Es España el seno de la mariconería?
¿Qué les parece?
Me parece más que verosímil.
De modo que si vamos a acabar con la mariconería, hay que hacerlo de raíz, y eso significa que hay que acabar con España y con Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias, el más célebre maricón de toda la historia de la mariconería. El Rey tanto de España como de la Mariconería.
Hay muchos mas maricones de lo que pensais en este foro! Qué viva la mariconeria!
Sûrement! Je suis d'accord.
Les espagnol sont les plus fifi de tout.
Espagne et Pays-Bas : des pays où les tapettes peuvent se marier (bon, au Canada aussi...) et adopter des enfants.
Ça fait bien rire les Marocains, qui envahissent ces nations avec une mentalité de conquérants.
Les marocains et les étrangers en général doivent accepter les lois européennes! Les européens racistes et fascistes pourraient aller au Maroc ou en Egypte par exemple, ce sont leurs pays préférés à mon avis. Franco kabul t'attend prends le premier avion pour l'Afghanistan
<Franco kabul t'attend prends le premier avion pour l'Afghanistan >>
I thought Franco was on the leading edge of the new wave of spunkier Europeans?
Why would the racists and fascists have to leave? Wouldn't it be the liberals who would leave? I mean, all you have to do is tell them that by staying in Europe they're increasing carbon emissions, and they will set off instantly. Or convince them to go campaign for gay rights in Saudi Arabia. They will gladly do it, they won't even fear for their lives because they believe all people are good and negotiation is the key to everything. Anyway, the racists and fascists will be the LAST to leave, they'll fight to the death before leaving, and they will win, because the liberals will be too afraid of hurting an insect...
<<They will gladly do it, they won't even fear for their lives because they believe all people are good and negotiation is the key to everything. >>
Actually, they do think some people are evil:
- Christians and Jews (the clergy, especially)
- White men, especially those that work for a living (private sector)
- Conservatives and moderates
- Military, Police, Fireman, etc.
- Americans (United statesian)
- non gays
- capitalists
(Unfortunately, I fit just about all these categories (ex military officer, moderate, Christian, white, man, employed in the private sector, non-gay, United Statesian, stockowner, etc.)
eeuuian, good list, but you forgot:
- Global warming denier
<<eeuuian, good list, but you forgot:>>
I suppose there are a lot of things left off my list:
- Southerners (in US)
- Gunowners and firearms enthusuasts, hunters
- People uneducated in the Liberal Arts,
- Creationists, evolution deniers, fundamentalists (but jihadists and terrorists are greatly admired, thouigh)
- Obese folks (Americans in particular)
- Smokers
- Drinkers? or do liberals condone this? -- maybe just beer drinkers -- I suppose fine wine is a plus? (especially African wine)?
- SUV and (perhaps minivan) drivers, or even car-drivers (especially if it's not imported)
- Meat-eaters
- Pet owners
- Monoglots
- Unsophisticated folks (non-designer clothes, no fancy ethnic foods, not multicultural, live in small towns, etc.)
(Note: I'm a monoglot (and darned proud of it, too), meat-eater, drive a Chevy, don't have a liberal arts degree (or any doctorate at all), and I'm not the least bit multi-cultural, don't like big cities, eat simple food (no Thai or Indian restaurants for me -- in fact I hate eating in restaurants), and I'm unsophisticated, provincial, not urbane, witty, etc.)
There are lots of sites about racism, fascism, neonazis and stuff like that on the Internet. I wonder why all these people (Franco and his friends), who do not know anything about languages, don't join those sites...
Les fifis de l'Espagne et de l'Amerique Hispanique aiment les gidignes tout le temps.
I am a Spaniard and my boyfriend is a Frenchman. ;) Guess who's on the bottom? Not that it matters! jejeje
Monoglots should be sent to language camps.
Franco es el rey de los maricones y le encanta chuparla antes de tomarla por culo