You Tell Me
What should be emphasized most in language learning programs? You can rank them.
a. vocabulary
b. grammar
c. accent and intonation
d. pronunciation
e. speaking
f. reading
g. writing
h. understanding
With various degrees depending on the languages one wants to learn, the 1st steps shouild be understanding and speaking, but all the other aspects should be complemented with practical learning.
Do you agree?
<<With various degrees depending on the languages one wants to learn, the 1st steps shouild be understanding and speaking, but all the other aspects should be complemented with practical learning.
Do you agree? >>
Just in case someone is interested (though yours is also OK, though sounds rather strange for an ebonics speaker), in Ebonics that would be:
WiF various degrees dependiN on DA languages YA wanNA learn, the 1st steps shouild be understandiN AN speakiN, but all DA ODA aspects should be complemented wiF practical learniN.
D'YA agree?
a. vocabulary
b. grammar
c. accent and intonation
d. pronunciation
e. speaking
f. reading
g. writing
h. understanding
Since I'm especially interested in grammar and morphology when I learn a new language I'd say:
a. grammar
b. vocabulary
c. accent and intonation
d. pronunciation
e. speaking
f. understanding
g. reading
h. writing
Pronunciation is also important to
Ebonics I know that I speak a different strange creole than you, or is it my creole poor English (lol)
It's very kind of you to teach me your version of creole he he he
I don't know enough to rank them, but I do know this: You're not going to learn ANY language in "Two Short Weeks!!" Memorizing the words that will help you hail a cab or ask where the bathroom is, is not the same as learning a language.
So learning should start at the bottom with the bare basics, and then move up as each level is mastered. Vocabulary words don't need to come unrtl you have mastered the sounds, letters, syllables, etc.
They should be:
a. vocabulary
a. grammar
a. accent and intonation
a. pronunciation
a. speaking
a. reading
a. writing
a. understanding
All are equally important.
Practicing is the most important thing. One does not learn a language without speaking and listening. It will be terribly boring to do so.
Of, course all the other items are important and necessary.
I liked reading the replies here. They seem healthy. I think practicing is important as well.
I personally find pronunciation only important of your consistent. There's nothing wrong with a foreign accent in my opinion.
<<of your consistent>>
"if you're consistent"
Got a bad case of a headache folks...
I bet for understanding, do you wanna listen or read something you don't understand?
In fact a language is a code to exchage data. If data is useless then it is not worth.
Baldewin do you want to sit on my phallus or what..? come on lets get it on.xx
Maybe Timothy can sit on the edge of the bed while he cracks one off..!! yeah yeah..
2 last harman's post are fakes, as you have already figure out.