What does CAPITALISM mean to you? Do you like it or not?
< the American-led Western media focused on the victims of Communism, while completely ignoring any benefits that the masses might have enjoyed. >
Interesting point. Should newspaper reporters concentrate then on the benefits crimes bring to others, rather than the victims of crime?
Let's focus on the Abu Ghraib case for let's say 50 years, what do you say?
I would like to pick up on one or two interesting points. One of the central tenets of any class-based critic of society is that the people who benefit from society generally support the institutions of that society and visa-versa.
So when you ask the question: Do you think capitalism is a good thing? The answer will depend in part on whether the person you are asking feels they have benefited from capitalism.
To answer another point:
Socialism is merely a modified form of capitalism, which effectively siphons off profit from successful capitalists to provide a basic standard of living for those who are less successful.
I personally think it's our duty as human beings to look after our whole race, and not to let rot in the gutter those who are less successful or less able, or those enterprising people with no access to capital.
First of all, there is a description of some communist countries as practising 'state capitalism'. In other words, the policies they follow are 'capitalistic' but the means of production etc and controlled by the state. The problem here of course, is who controls the state. So you might have a state that is run for the benefit of a military elite of capitalistic lines.
So this is where the words 'democratic socialist' or 'christian socialist' come in. The idea that the state has overall responsibility but the state is run on democratic or christian lines.
Hitler described his system as 'national socialist'.
I personally think it's our duty as human beings to look after our whole race, and not to let rot in the gutter those who are less successful or less able, or those enterprising people with no access to capital.
Hitler was successful at a time when it was felt that capitalism had failed the German people. Hitler took it upon himself to institute a program of political change that benefited the whole race. The whole German race; excluding Jews, homosexuals, perverts, people we don't like, etc.
The people that Hitler disliked particular were the bankers who made considerable profits at a time when ordinary working people were suffering from the failure of the banks.
President Bush nearly recreated this situation. Fortunately the American people had enough of his policies. Some American people even believe in evolution.
It's fun to read your non-spellchecked stuff.
He who has a lot of money rules.... that is the very nature of capitalism , it may not be the best or perfect kind of society or ideology but it is somehow unavoidable as the world tends to shrink in terms of information and trade...
Cebu Business Partner Japan Philippines
learn english and trade
True capitalism has one advantage over all the other -isms: it's not an ideology.
Capitalism isn't something you believe; it's something you do.
Of course capitalism is an ideology. It makes you believe that you have the right to exploit other people, as in paying them too little for their work.
Capitalism is the system that gives the freest vein to the vices and evils of humanity!
Capiltalism is driven solely by bottomless human greed!
< bottomless human greed >
A sobering thought for the butt-fuck guy.
Guest 2 Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:34 pm GMT
< bottomless human greed >
A sobering thought for the butt-fuck guy.
butt-fuck fan you are?
True Nazism has one advantage over all the other -isms: it's not an ideology.
Nazism isn't something you believe; it's something you do. You just kill the scum that corrupts our society: jewish capitalists, jewish communists or whatever.