>>>>>>>>>>>Robin Michael Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:25 am GMT
Shuimo as always, says 'what about China'? Vinlander points out that America is a large and wealthy market for art and sport. Vinlander suggests that culture is to a certain extent a numbers game. Well, if it was just a numbers game, then China would win. <<<<<<<<<<
Yes, RM, culture is not to a certain extent, but it is BASICALLY, a figure and number game!
CHINA was the winner in significant portions of the history of humanity, because it was the most prosperious place!
Poverty-striken places never produce pageant culture of any sort!
The US is dominating the world culturally because it is still the NO 1 GDP power the world over (GDP is an exact figure matter, is it?)!
Now it is meeting the real match----- China Dragon is on the horizon!
>>>There is a problem of language with China. People might buy Chinese washing machines, (or at least I do, despite the advice of the lady from Comet). But they do not buy Chinese soap operas. Chinese culture does not travel like Chinese cooking. <<<
Language is never the real issue: If language is a real obstacle, just remove it by making the world follow Chinese-speaking standards!
RM, Chinese cooking is part of Chinese culture, Chinese-made goods is also part of Chinese culture, the next step is the more core ones: Chinese language itself!
Chinese characters in the Japanese language is the hard-core evidence of the soft power of Chinese culture!
Booming of Chinglish in English is the harbinger of Chinese taking over?LOL
If the world speaks Chinese, a whole new vista of enlightement and beauty is opened for humanity!(*^__^*)
Shuimo as always, says 'what about China'? Vinlander points out that America is a large and wealthy market for art and sport. Vinlander suggests that culture is to a certain extent a numbers game. Well, if it was just a numbers game, then China would win. <<<<<<<<<<
Yes, RM, culture is not to a certain extent, but it is BASICALLY, a figure and number game!
CHINA was the winner in significant portions of the history of humanity, because it was the most prosperious place!
Poverty-striken places never produce pageant culture of any sort!
The US is dominating the world culturally because it is still the NO 1 GDP power the world over (GDP is an exact figure matter, is it?)!
Now it is meeting the real match----- China Dragon is on the horizon!
>>>There is a problem of language with China. People might buy Chinese washing machines, (or at least I do, despite the advice of the lady from Comet). But they do not buy Chinese soap operas. Chinese culture does not travel like Chinese cooking. <<<
Language is never the real issue: If language is a real obstacle, just remove it by making the world follow Chinese-speaking standards!
RM, Chinese cooking is part of Chinese culture, Chinese-made goods is also part of Chinese culture, the next step is the more core ones: Chinese language itself!
Chinese characters in the Japanese language is the hard-core evidence of the soft power of Chinese culture!
Booming of Chinglish in English is the harbinger of Chinese taking over?LOL
If the world speaks Chinese, a whole new vista of enlightement and beauty is opened for humanity!(*^__^*)