Shuimo posted, fololwing this extract from my previous post:
>>Powerful words such as "we will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them on the hillsides, we weill fight them on the streets...we will never surrender!" <<
***That sounds sooooooooooooooo American anti-terror howling!***
There was absolutely nothing American about it - in June 1940, when Churchil made his "We shall never surrender" speech the United States was still in a state of splendid isolated neutraility far, far away across the ocean, looking on at Britain's struggle for survival.
The only possible American connection was the fact that Churchill's mother was actually an American, by the name of Jennie Jerome, who became Duchess of Marlborough on her marriage to Churchill's father.
She had very little to do with his bringing up as a baby and young child....following common practice in the English aristocracy, as well as the Royal Family in those days, the moment he was born at Blenheim* Palace, Oxfordshire, England, on 30 November 1874 he was handed over to the care of a nursemaid and other domestic staff, and when he was sent to boarding school at about 8 years of age he constantly complained about his mother's almost complete lack of interest in him or his progess at school, and the por lad was saddened by the rarity of occasion when she went to visit him.
Hardly a good mother figure it has to be said, but that's how they did things in those social circles at that time.
Churchill was considered "below average" in his school work - as I said, he was not at all academically endowed to any great shakes, but when he used his social position to enter the political world in Britain, first as a Liberal, which is surprising considering his pedigree and background, but later on, more expectedly, as a Conservative, representing the Parliamentary constituency of Woodford, later renamed Wanstead and Woodford, which is in south west Essex, he became very prominent, not always for the best of times he was very controversial.
Basically, Churchill was not rerally meant to be a "peacetime" Prime Minister...he only really came into his own during WW2, when he truly found his niche, as everybody now knows.
In the spring and early summer of 1940, when much of Europe had been over-run by the Nazis, and Britain was left "All Alone" - isolated and cut off from the Continent, with only British Empire and Commonwealth volunteers to come to our aid, and this country faced the real threat of invasion and aerial assault, there was no other British politician who could fill the role of Prime Minister and "Defender of the Realm in Danger's Hour" but Winston Churchill.
When he was given this post, as Prime Minister, on 10 May 1940, Winston Churchill wrote in his diary: "It is as if I have lived my whole life just for this moment!"
Those rousing speeces of his to not only to Great Britain but also to the rest of the "free world" at that time seemed to illustrate that quite clearly.
Some of his words, however well, or not so well, expressed had the desired effect, and some of them were quite funny. On one occasion when he was actually in America, after that country had been forded into the conflict, he commented on the words of Adolf Hitler who had said that "Germany would wring the neck of the enemy like a chicken!" - the enemy of course being Britain and the United States.
Churchill responded with: "Some neck! Some chicken!"