Google spellchecker mistakes Herfordshire for Hertfordshire rather than Herefordshire...
Why when googling for (Herefordshire) mistakenly spelt Herfordshire dose Google go: "did you mean 'Hertfordshire" rather than the more obvious spelling/word suggestion: "did you mean Herefordshire"
Whats hope is there for the future when modern technology can be so illiterate. Whats nearer to Her: Here or Hert?
Google Spellchecker Mistakes
Why when googling for (Herefordshire) mistakenly spelt Herfordshire dose Google go: "did you mean 'Hertfordshire" rather than the more obvious spelling/word suggestion: "did you mean Herefordshire"
Whats hope is there for the future when modern technology can be so illiterate. Whats nearer to Her: Here or Hert?
Google Spellchecker Mistakes