You guys are both going in extreme ends of this. If we used only anglo saxons words many of them would be correct. Most of these archaic words are still in the dictoinary, however if we start using old words no one knows we would sound crazy.
The issue with all these extra words is that theres no logic to them. It makes people less able to make logical conclusions. English almost has two completely(full) different(odd) sets(groups) of words that mean the exact(precisely) the same(identical) thing. If there was a somewhat logical reason for this instead of a historical undertones of elitism in our language we wouldn't have this problem.
I mean we all know in English school you are taught to rotate through synonyms just to make yourself smarter. It's a fact in creative writing. So lets not beat around the bush here.
Just think of beat around the bush we all know what that means through common culture, however if I said " don't flirt with a dogs bone" you would be completely lost.
In my mind we should use some sort of system using compound words to replace alot of Vocabulary(BIGWORDS)
Don't get me wrong i see a huge value in word play in creative writing, but to act like you smart or just being well spoken, when you use words that no one knows your just being foolish.
People in my experience who are most well read have huge issues with basic logic or science. Were raised to believe that this is the way it has to be I believe it's in part influenced by language.
Just think in physics we waste about a week spent learn that speed and velocity are different when if we just said relatedspeed we would be much better off. Of course once the idea is understood you could change it to Relspeed or something like that but it would change how we learn.
The issue with all these extra words is that theres no logic to them. It makes people less able to make logical conclusions. English almost has two completely(full) different(odd) sets(groups) of words that mean the exact(precisely) the same(identical) thing. If there was a somewhat logical reason for this instead of a historical undertones of elitism in our language we wouldn't have this problem.
I mean we all know in English school you are taught to rotate through synonyms just to make yourself smarter. It's a fact in creative writing. So lets not beat around the bush here.
Just think of beat around the bush we all know what that means through common culture, however if I said " don't flirt with a dogs bone" you would be completely lost.
In my mind we should use some sort of system using compound words to replace alot of Vocabulary(BIGWORDS)
Don't get me wrong i see a huge value in word play in creative writing, but to act like you smart or just being well spoken, when you use words that no one knows your just being foolish.
People in my experience who are most well read have huge issues with basic logic or science. Were raised to believe that this is the way it has to be I believe it's in part influenced by language.
Just think in physics we waste about a week spent learn that speed and velocity are different when if we just said relatedspeed we would be much better off. Of course once the idea is understood you could change it to Relspeed or something like that but it would change how we learn.