Dictionaries say 'at all' appears in negative sentences, but I see it in positive sentences as well.
When it's in positive sentences, how should I understand?
When it's in positive sentences, how should I understand?
at all
Dictionaries say 'at all' appears in negative sentences, but I see it in positive sentences as well.
When it's in positive sentences, how should I understand?
Can you give examples? Cause I haven't seen it in affirmative sentences at all (as far as I remember).
"At all" is known as what's called a "negative polarity item" in semantics. Check out the Wikipedia article on polarity items:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polarity_item Since negative polarity items can only occur with negative expressions, they are ungrammatical otherwise (ungrammaticality here is indicated by an asterisk): "He can't snap at all" *He can snap at all" "I didn't see him at all" *I saw him at all Sometimes you'll find variation in terms of English dialects concerning usage of a couple specific negative polarity items. For instance, in most dialects the word "anymore" is a negative polarity item but a few American ones (especially in areas like Ohio and some parts of the Midwest, I believe) allow it in a nonnegative polarity context. I wrote about this on the old langcafe site (the temporary one) if anyone wants to read more: http://14.freebb.com/antimoonbis-article85.html But back to "at all," I can't think of any instances where it is used in a postive polarity context. If you find any examples, AJ, I'd be very interested.
Oh, something else I forgot to mention. As I pointed out in my post that I linked above, I said:
<< Negative polarity items may also be used even when no outright negation is being used, but a verb is being used which has "built-in" negation (for instance, "doubt"). "I doubt he'll do his homework at all "I doubt he's come yet >> This may be causing some of the confusion because there's no overt negation in those sentences. However, semantically some words like "doubt" already have negation built-in. This is why they may still be used with negative polarity items. Maybe this is what you saw, AJ.
This is a good example:
"I throw toilet paper AT ALL idiots who happen to walk past the door while I am emptying my bowels" Madre mía que ingenio soy - AGUDO!
Franco, when you throw something, you throw it AT somebody (based on the example).
You cannot say "You threw it me." Instead, you must say "You threw it at me." Got it? So, in your example, you throw toilet paper at ALL the idiots... En otras palabras, malinterpretaste el inglés (In other words, you misinterpreted English).
The first requirement for all writers is to know what meaning they want to convey, and it is only by clothing their thoughts in words that they can think "at all".
-The Complete Plain Words by Sir Ernest Gowers I think I've found an example, even though a little bit suspicious and unsatisfactory. The quotation mark is added by me to make it outstand. Is that proper?
Yes, that is correct. I'm not really sure if I can explain it though. Basically, two possibilities would be:
He can't speak at all. Only by/when ... can he speak at all. It is only by/when ... that he can speak at all. |