I have an interest in spending time and perhaps living in Dubai/UAE or perhaps Quatar/Kuwait in the future. I really wonder if its worth learning Arabic for these states, especially since I'd rather learn some other language such as Chinese or Japanese. Do you need Arabic on the street, business or social life given that there are so many non-natives in Dubai and Quatar? Do ex-pats there usually learn Arabic?
Regarding the use for the language, I have little interest or desire to spend time in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Saudi, Algeria, Lybia, Syria, Mali, Sudan, Etc. Therefore I wonder if it would be waste to learn the language just for what I plan on doing.
Morrocco and Lebanon would be excpetions and I would like to visit as a tourist.
Anybody familar with the area ?
Regarding the use for the language, I have little interest or desire to spend time in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Saudi, Algeria, Lybia, Syria, Mali, Sudan, Etc. Therefore I wonder if it would be waste to learn the language just for what I plan on doing.
Morrocco and Lebanon would be excpetions and I would like to visit as a tourist.
Anybody familar with the area ?