The German words als, wann and wenn

Mike   Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:55 pm GMT
In German I sometimes find it hard to know when the words "wenn", "wann" and "als" should be used, particularly for the past tense. When should I use each one?
Gordon   Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:55 pm GMT
Wenn ever you wann.
Nodrog   Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:53 pm GMT
you alshole

answer the man's question
John   Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:51 pm GMT
They all mean "when" but in different contexts.

Wenn is used when "if" can be implied
Wenn du willst, können wir gehen (If you want we can go)
Wenn du fertig bist, können wir gehen. - When/If you are ready we can go.
Wenn du zu uns kommst, können wir essen - When/if you come visit we can eat.

Wann is used when a definate point in time is being referenced/questioned.

Wann kommt Mama? Ich habe Hunger! When is Mother coming? I am hungry?
Wann bist du endlich fertig? When are you going to finished? When will you finish?
Wann kommst du zu uns? When will you come visit us?

Als implies "as" something is/was happening.

Als ich unterwegs in die Schule war, hat ein Hund mich gebissen. - A dog bit me as/when I was on my way to school.
Als ich in New York war,hat es geregnet. - It rained when/as I was in New York.

Using "as" in the last sentence doesn't sound very good in English, but I think it makes the idea clear how "als" is used.

Hope it all made sense.
John   Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:56 pm GMT
Sorry about all the typos in my reply. I had a nosy person looking over my shoulder driving me nuts thus making it hard for me to type anything. GRRRRRRR
PARISIEN   Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:12 pm GMT
When "when" can be substituted (with no substantial change of meaning) with:

- "at what time" = "wann"
- "at the time" (in the past) and/or "because" = "als"
- "if" = "wenn"

- Ich weiß noch nicht, wann ich nach Hause fahren kann.
- Gestern, als ich zu viel getrunken hatte, hatte ich einen Autounfall.
- Wenn ich zu viel getrunken habe, fahre ich lieber nicht selber!

Really simple.
Re-read your grammar book.
fraz   Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:39 pm GMT
The word "when" in English can be used to describe past and future events. German requires different words.

When I go to Germany....wenn ich nach Deutschland fahre

When I sold my car.....als ich mein Auto gekauft hat


when talking about past events that frequently occurred, you use wenn

when it rained, we always stayed indoors

wenn es geregnet hat, sind wir immer zu Hause geblieben