Lightning or Lightening or Lighting
Thunder and Lightening?
Skin lightning cream?
Lighting fast?
Lightening the weight?
You little Lightling?
Enlightening meeting?
Alighting at the next stop?
Downtown the workers are alightening?
Thunder and lightning.
Skin lightening cream.
Lightning fast.
Lightening the weight.
I don't understand this one.
Enlightening meeting.
Lightening and lightning have different meanings. Lightning is what appears in the sky during a thunderstorm, "lightening" is the present participle of light, "lighting" is the present particple of "light".
<<Alighting at the next stop?>>
<<I don't understand this one.>>
It means to get off at the next stop.
"alight" to descend from a vehicle, or dismount from a horse. Rarely used in American English.
"lightening" is the present participle of "lighten", not "light".
Fighting to lighten his innards, Johnny Lightfoot had to alight while frightening thunder and lightning struck down lightening fast upon steeple tops and sodden land. Thankfully it was only a short walk home, but these few steps where to be Johnny's last ever. A drenched fingered Johnny switched on the lighting and met his death. The End.
Fichting zu lichten himmer innwarders, Johannes Lichtfuss habe alickten wihlst thunderen und lichten schtruckten tunn lichtenning fahstsen open schteeipel topfts und sodden land. Dankeswerterweise itz vas onnligen ein schordt walken heim, butten deiser fuer schtepfs wehr zu bei Johanne's lasten eber. Ein drenkt fingeren Johannes schwitktdt am das lichten und mezen himmers todt. Das Enden.
Bei dem Kampf, sich zu erleichtern, musste Johannes Von Lichtfuss während eines furchteinflößenden Gewitters mit Lichtblitzen über den Kirchtürmen und dem völlig aufgeweichten Rasen aussteigen. Dankenswerterweise war es nur ein kurzer Weg bis nach Hause, aber diese paar Schritte sollten seine letzten sein. Mit tropfnassen Fingern berührte er den Lichtschalter und verstarb. Ende.
You'd be surprised how many people get confused over the correct usage of "lightning" and "lightening" and use the wrong spelling for both, such as "my house got struck by lightening" (very wrong) and "the lightning dawn" (debatable) although it could be said that one may just apply if the dawn co-incided with a thunderstorm, as does happen in the summer, such as in this YT clip filmed in a suburb of south east London early on a summer morning not long after it could well have been a lightning dawn in that case, but generally in the UK summer dawns are quite long drawn out affairs, much like summer dusks up here between latitudes 50N and 60N.
Here in Scotland a summer dusk can last up to an hour or more especially if the sky is free of cloud, and we call it the "gloaming", and right up in the north of Scotland between early June and mid July it doesn't really get dark at all at night and if you feel so inclined you can sit out all night and read a book without the aid of a lamp or torch, but it just be a wee bit of a strain on your eyesight.
A lightning dawn in Bromley, South East London - no sound, so the resultant thunderclaps are not heard, which is a shame as I love the crack and the crash and drawn out booming rumbles of nature's whizz bangs. Still, the music is nae so bad.