French dialect question

Skippy   Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:07 am GMT
So I saw this commercial, and all I heard were the "r" sounds and until I stopped what I was doing and listened, I thought to myself "Dutch?" (mistaking the /R/ for /x/ or something like that). What dialect is this girl speaking?

If it's really obvious, please give me a break. I haven't studied French since junior high... :-) Thanks in advance.
Charlot Valacci   Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:42 am GMT
she is not french, scumbag
PARISIEN   Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:06 am GMT
This is a quite interesting commercial:

- that girl is an impossible mix: she looks like a half-white Hispanic with some Asian input,
- her accent is impossible as well: it mixes English and Arabic features with some kind of Italo-Spanish shade.

Microsoft certainly selected that commercial to address the largest possible customership, every community all-in-one.

That girl is no human being, she's a computer image, a marketing mix, a market driven concoction.

Just like the late Michael Jackson was!