Languages Europeans find useful to know
In Mallorca most of people speak Catalan, you fool. Even young people people do.
Mallorca's own language is Catalan. The two official languages of Majorca are Catalan and Spanish. The local dialect of Catalan is Mallorquí, even though the dialects are slightly different in most villages. Typically, young Majorcans are bilingual in Catalan and Spanish, with some knowledge of English.
Catalan language in Majorca
Total population: 794 000
People who use Catalan: 350 000
You seem totally clueless about Majorca so you are not true Mallorquí. Even "Catalan" speakers never say Catalan but Mallorquí language because it is very different with respect to Catalan spoken in Catalonia
Catalan language in Majorca
Total population: 794 000
People who use Catalan: 350 000
You seem totally clueless about Mallorca so you are not true Mallorquí. Even "Catalan" speakers never say Mallorquí but Catalan language because it is very mucn the same with respect to Catalan spoken in Catalonia
If you are true Mallorquí why don't you speak some Spanish or Mallorquí?
If you are true Mallorquí why don't you speak some French or Catalan?
Because people don't speak French in Majorca, only Spanish, German and some old people also Mallorquí.
Because people don't speak Spanish in Mallorca, only
Catalan and French.
OK, speak Catalan then. I'm waiting.
Le Reynard, your data are wrong.
For example, you need to add the economic power of Hispanics in USA to the Spanish language, like I did.
PD. There are other data also wrong about other languages. For example in China not everybody speak Chinese Mandarin.
El Zorro, your data are the ones that are wrong.
For example, you don't need to add the economic power of Hispanics in USA to the Spanish language, like you did. Just those countries that are officially Spanish speaking. Technically they're in the Anglosphere therefore it's added to English speaking world and besides it's just a tiny fraction with respect to the whole economy of the US and the country is not officially bilingual.
PS. The one that I posted is just for Mandarin speakers. In that link there's also an entry for Cantonese speakers but I didn't include since Cantonese cannot be considered as a world language. See in this link to verify:
German, German and English and German and English.