German vs Dutch
<<Britain is in no better situation than Netherlands. In fact I heard than in some places of old Britain Sharia has replaced the civil law. Shame. >>
There's still a fairly substantial population of right-wing British, they've been marginalised by the Labour government and left-wing society, but they exist and are increasing in popularity.
I have never, ever met a particularly right-wing Dutchman. Geert Wilders is the closest to right-wing the Dutch have, and with the exception of speaking out against Muslim imperialism, he is still a spineless left-wing sissy.
<<Nick Clegg has a Dutch mother and a Spanish wife. He is fluent in both these languages and he also speaks German. Maybe other UK politicians could take a lead from this.>>
I was thinking if an Englishman has to outbreed with a continental, then Dutch would be the most motherearthen blood and wayoflife wise. But if said Anglo-Dutcher then goes on to miscegenate with a Spaniard primitive, then any little Clegglings will be degenerated like how Anglo-Dutchers Boers have been contaminated with French and Portuguese blood. Looks like the Clegg political dynasty will end up has spikized and failed like that spik poofter Terreblanche.
<<The Netherlands of today is no longer the Netherlands of the "Golden Age" 17th Century. The true Dutch left long time ago to settle other colonies while the spineless ones stayed behind and turned the Netherlands into a liberal spineless society. That's why since the 17th Century their has been no more golden age because the true Dutchmen left, leaving behind the weak ones that can't stand up for themselves or care about their culture or language.>>
You bang on about Dutch spinelessness, but I bet you don't even give a shite that southern Flanders and the full white Flems (who are considered far rightwing by Francopones and Walloons) is annexed and ruled over my swarthy olive eating French spiks. You plotless spineless spikloving troll.
There is a difference between being Dutch and being Flemish. Big difference.
They may speak the same language but they are not the same.
Dutch =liberal (not proud of their Dutch culture)
Flemish - more conservative (proud to speak Dutch)
Dutch people are spineless wimps... Flemish people have got more backbone!
I do plan to visit not only the Netherlands, but Belgium as well.
Another reason I want to go with Dutch in the first place is because it's simpler than German, and closer to English.
<<There is a difference between being Dutch and being Flemish. Big difference.
They may speak the same language but they are not the same.
Dutch =liberal (not proud of their Dutch culture)
Flemish - more conservative (proud to speak Dutch)
Dutch people are spineless wimps... Flemish people have got more backbone!>>
I think this question regards which language you should learn, but it turned into a fight over country preference.
Anyway, I think you should learn Dutch; especially if you'd rather travel in that area.
Why learn a language you don't find useful?
I think this question regards which language you should learn, but it turned into a fight over country preference.
Anyway, I think you should learn Dutch; especially if you'd rather travel in that area.
Why learn a language you don't find useful?
<<but I bet you don't even give a shite that southern Flanders and the full white Flems>>
Comparing the Netherlands and Flanders is like comparing the US and UK - swings and roundabouts.
Just go learn German.
All the people in Holland speak German anyways.
I speak Dutch and it is not useful at all.
The user above me is correct. People will see you as a lousy middle eastern immigrant if you speak Dutch with an accent, and you won't get accepted in society.
My German teacher is really belligerant towards the Dutch. I once commented the similarities between German and Dutch but she replied like ignoring those similarities and said Dutch sounds like hell whereas German doesnt ( German must sound like heaven for her, which is far from being true for Latin peoples). Do the Germans hate the Dutch for some reason or it was just my teacher ? She also likes to belittle English from time to time. Once she said with gesture of repulsion that English is loose because nothing has declensions and such. LOL.
Because the Dutch hate the German^
The Germans are always right. You need to shut yer trap and listen to your teacher.
Hi Jordan
Ignoring all these posts that seem to be slightly irrelavent, I think you should learn German.
First of all it's definitely more useful on an international scale. You're far more likely to see job ads requiring German than Dutch. It's just not one of the major languages.
Apart from that, it's a more useful language to learn in terms of learning a language in general. I'm a native English speaker, and learning German has taught me a lot in terms of languages in general. It has a sound basic grammar, which incorporates cases and declensions, but these are still relatively straightforward. So coming from a language bereft of these features like me, you will benefit from learning them while not being overwhelmed. As far as I know Dutch lacks case and declension, so you won't be broadening your horizons so much by learning it.
Ultimately, it's a good inbetween language to learn, not ridiculously complex, but complex enough to teach you more about languages in general, which can set you in good sted for learning other languages. And it is a very logical language.