I think it's Xuxa.
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Do you agree with me?
Who is the greatest Brazilian of today?
Trying to be the greatest Brazilian is like competing in the Special Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded.
<<Christiano Ronaldo>>
He's Portuguese... he's way too good looking to be Brazilian.
Christiano Ronaldo looks cute, but he has a feminine kind of beauty. Not the one that turns me on.
With a massive labor force and abundant natural resources, Brazil normally has offered a promising environment for foreign investment. But all too often these expectations have proved hollow. Despite its numerous advantages, Brazil has suffered from chronically poor law enforcement, weak corporate governance and extremely high and unpredictable levels of inflation mainly caused by the legacy of an inefficient and corruption-prone government.
It seems to me you've been reading you "Economist" issues a few decades belatedly. Brazil hasn't had problems with high inflation for sixteen years now. Although I loathe the term, "corporate governance" in Brazil is as strong, if not stronger in many cases, than in any industrialized Western economy. You do have a point about ineffective law enforcement and corruption-riddled government, event though that has nothing to do with the bouts with hyperinflation in the past. |