Native English speakers ridiculed?
Did you know that knowing how to speak a language automatically makes the alphabet available on your works computer? fucking morons.
I dont really see whats so unlikely about me speaking Thai considering I lived there for 4 years.
Mind you I bet its difficult for you to imagine the world beyond the confines of your hometown, eh franco? ha ha ha ha!
Spain is ranked 10 in terms of Human development index, and UK is 30th. Don't believe U.N.? It makes sense because top countries with highest HDI are Norway, Australia, Japan, France... all of them with very high quality of life, whereas in U.K. lack of food, alcoholism, hoolligans in sport events, corruption among politicans, pregnant teenagers, sharia courts and perpetual rain provoke very low quality of life. Can't you see those millions of British who leave the island every year? They go to USA, Canada, Australia and Spain because life in UK is unbearable. You can't deny evidences.
The "evidences" are not in question.
Thousands of people leave Britain every year as they have the financial means to enable them to do so. The spanish sadly do not.
By the way this 'lack of food' thing is fucking waaaaay off. I have never heard that from anywhere before. Please stop making things up, you are embarrassing yourself enough already.
Spain is ranked as more corrupt than the UK by the U.N. whats up? Dont believe the U.N?
One day I hope you will reach my level of knowledge and understanding of the world, but you will have to actually see it first.
We don't have to believe U.N. but we have to believe you are an English who speaks Thai . LOL, you made my day.
That's the question, the British abandon UK because they have not financial means to stay in it. Prices are too high and wages low.
England, in contrast to true Germanic countries never was a country with high standard of living that most of people could enjoy really. Even the so praised Industral Revolution only provoked misery and exploitation to loads of people whereas only a few individuals became rich. Social inequalities in UK are more similar to those in third world countries and are much bigger than in Germany or Sweden.
I lived in Bangkok for 4 years, what is so surprising about me speaking Thai? My wife is Thai for fucks sake.
And if the UK is so hard to get by in.....why does it attract so many seeking a better life there?
Could you speak some Thai? Record yourself in a video or something, you have to prove what you say, otherwise people will think you are a liar.
Sure I can penetra, I will just order the Chinese government to drop the censorship laws regarding youtube then spend my own personal time recording myself speaking thai then upload it all to prove the point that I can speak thai.
After all, its an outstanding claim right? its not like there are millions of people who can speak thai is it?
by the would you know if I was speaking Thai? You have never been there, I could be just making weird sounds for all you would know about it?
could you publish some photos of you in your varied travels? I'm starting to suspect you are another country bumpkin like franco who has never left spain.
There are more video services on the Internet appart from Youtube , China has a national Youtube or something like that.
I have a Thai speaking friend, he will tell me whether you speak Thai properly or not.
As far as I'm concerned I never said I visited other countries or not, so I have nothing to prove. You said you speak Thai hence prove it.
So you are debating on things that you yourself have no experience of?
nice work, that really added weight to your arguments.
China does indeed have a national youtube, its called 'youku' a shitty rip-off as is the Chinese way.
But heres the thing...... Its all in fucking chinese! big surprise there eh?
and how will you know if its me in the video? I could claim to speak any language then upload a video of some other fucker speaking it, right?
Are you seriously suggesting its impossible for someone to learn Thai? Even after living there for 4 years?
Oh and another thing, Thailand and the Thai people are first rate, I loved my time there and plan to return as soon as my contract here is over.
Kinda pisses on your "you just hate asia" argument eh franco?
You don't speak Thai, liar. And you wonder why the native English speakers are ridiculed? Look yourself at a mirror, "Irony".
Penetra, Eres un tonto el culo la verdad..!! no sabes nada..!! los Ingléses son buenos y sus comidas tambien..!!!!
So in China you have Google right?
>> Look yourself at a mirror <<
Penetra, you written English is absolutely shit..!!! it's " look at yourself in a mirror "
Instead of coming on here and mouthing off, go and teach yourself to write better you thick as pig shit cunt..!!!