Native Spanish speakers ridiculed?
Hi, after fucking all night with my dog Hispan and my monkey Idad, I was reading all the books explaining that Spanish is the most important language in the World.
They are from 16th century, but it doesn't matter because I always hallucinate that Spanish will always be the most important. Tonight I would like to know an Hindi or a Francophone Gigolo. If I am lucky tomorrow I will have my bottom like the flag of Japan.
It is a wonderful idea, but I want to focus on this webpage. Do you think that Spanish language and Spanish speakers are ridiculed or simply Spanish is really disintegration? Or both?
Thanks. Gracias.
There are several articles that I find very funny:
1. End of French exclusionism in Paraguay
2. Spanish and English in Brazil:
Svetlana Carsten finds it particularly interesting that Spanish as a foreign language has all but will never be important Eastern Europe even in Latin derived country of Romania. Not really what Hispanidad propaganda would have you believe. It is also very interesting the trend by language over the past 3 years:
French: an increase of 42%
German: an increase of 42%
Spanish: an incraese of -24%
3. Switch away from Spanis to English is irreversible in Hispanic America.
4. Hispanic America's shrinking and Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Guatemala isolation
5. Disintegration of Spanish in Hispanic America and the Castilia
The documents used in the negotiation of the America Free Trade Zone were in only English and French, which closely supports the Weber report, suggesting that the Americas may become a vast bilingual zone for English and French.
I can see why Spanish speakers would be ridiculed by Russians, since a lot of their words sound like our obscenities, it's really embarrassing.
Ah, the old Hapsburg jaw/lip, a classic example of the result of inbreeding in the Spanish royal family.
I think that you should study English and French, the true global languages.
The answer for your 2 questions is: yes, both. The native Spanish speakers are ridiculed and Spanish is in extreme disintegration.
Good luck tonight!
Thanks Hispani,
My personal opinion is that Ï am a person with a lot of problems:
drugs, putting my personal interests before the interests of my Arabic boy friend, to be confused about my own sexual orientation, my long term psychological damage due to my sexual intererest in dogs and other animals, my fanatic personality and my freak behaviour.
But that's all. IMHO, I am a normal person.
!acongojados nos teneis!
despues de vuestras exposiciones y saber "esta verdad".Todo el mundo se esta pasando al globish pero "renegando del español":
- En Madrid se han agotado los libros de francés.
- En España , Mexico ,Argentina ..etc. no podemos mandar a nuestros niños a intercambios linguísticos porque "a nadie le interesa el español".
- En USA nadie quiere hablar español, ni asistir a colegios bilingues.
- En Belice pegan al que se le escapa una palabra en español por latino.
- En Canada estan cerrando los Institutos Cervantes para transformarlos en bilingues ingles/quebequá.
- En los "coleges" ingleses se niegan a dar español.
- en Brasil sobran profesores de español y los niños se resisten a ir a los colegios.
- Los franceses que vienen a España se niegan a aprender español.
- Los chinos que veo en España para aprender español "son una una ilusión".
- El que en Madrid, Salamanca, Malaga etc. esten llenas de gente pagando para estudiar español "es propaganda latina".
- Los latinos hemos perdido nuestra autoestima al oiros y nos avergonzamos de serlo.
Gracias maestros , o...
Quien no va a estar contento en este club tan “humano” abierto a todo y encima disponemos de esta arma tan poderosa:
In Spanish we say:
"No insulta el que quiere, sino el que puede"
Just because your sphincter has been widened to the diameter of a duck's beverage area, it doesn't mean that you possess any deep knowledge of world affairs.
Quite the opposite, symptoms indicate that you suffer from some incurable chronic acute mental diarrhea. And is getting worse by the day.
How is that condition related to your animosity against Spanish, is something that I rather not know.