Judaeo-Spanish to be more precise.
Uprooted for more than 500 years and they keep speaking it.
Truly amazing. Only the Spanish language can boast that kind of resilience.
Personally I like the sound and structure of Ladino more than of any other Spanish spoken. It seems that languages become less elegant when they become more modern, which is sad. I think it has something to do with modernism and its decadence, people suffered more in the past, which made them more passionate. Language also was less elegant in the Middle Ages, it cumulated in the Early New Age and than it became gradually less elegant.
Perhaps in a more pessimist future our languages would become more elegant, or people would treasure the noble art of lyricism more at least.
<<Revealing how all people who say that don't speak Spanish themselves.>>
Its revealing, how people who overstate the importance of Spanish in the United States, are all foreigners who have never actually been here, and don't know what they're talking about.
I have spent almost two years of my life among New York, Florida, New Orleans, California, Hawaii and Guam.
You seem to be proving my point Paul, thank you very much.
I propose the name of Spanish language to be changed for "Ladino". It reflects more the connection between Latin and Spanish/Ladino.
I propose giving back their houses or similar residences to those Sephardic Jews who still keep the keys of their old houses in Toledo.
After all, there's overstock of empty houses in Spain now due to Aznar's policies. Now's the time to do it.
Their houses can't be given back because they no longer exist, but any Sephardic Jew can get the Spanish nationality if desires so. Compare that to the Muslims, they were expelled too but they don't receive such deference.
I read somewhere that many of these Jews still keep the keys of their ancestors' houses in Spain.
Look Franco, we can't just give houses to anybody who claims their ancestors were once expelled.
Only the ones with proof of ownership (keys) qualify, sorry about the rest.
I am...
Thank you.