French is more important than Spanish
Did you know that...
English is spoken in 53 countries officially.
It is spoken by up to 1.8 billion people worldwide as first, second, third, or foreign language.
French is spoken in 35 countries (29 as official + 7 as non-official).
It is spoken by around 500 million francophones worldwide in all 5 continents.
Spanish is spoken in 21 countries.
It is spoken by between nearly 452 - 510 million worldwide in Spain, most of South America (except Brazil which covers most of the continent), Mexico, most of Caribbean, and parts of Southern U.S.
So, French is the second most important language WORLDWIDE after English, and Spanish is third.
Yes, Spanish is spoken by more as first language, but French is spoken by far more as second, third or foreign language.
Stop this boring French propaganda.
French is really official in only 28, and it is really spoken by a majority of the country in only France and Monaco.
For example, French is official in Tchad, but if you go there, nobody speak French. Perhaps a 5-10% of the population can speak it.
So, French is official in 20 African countries, but it is not really spoken there.
According to the Francophonie and the French Government there are only 200 million of French speakers. Only 75 of them speak it as mother tongue.
French-Spanish comparison:
Mother tongue speakers: Spanish 425- French 75. Spanish wins
Total speakers: Spanish 510- French 200. Spanish wins.
Economy (Steinke index): Spanish 3rd- French 6th. Spanish wins.
Number of students: Spanish 2nd- French 3rd. Spanish wins.
Countries (official language): Spanish 22- French 28. French wins
Countries (majority language): Spanish 20- French 2. Spanish wins
!vale tio!
!acepto pulpo como animal doméstico!...... !contento!
pero ahóra tomate la medición y vuelvete a la cama, la envidia es muy mala (como la mía del inglés) y lo peor es que no tiene solución.
!es por tu bien !
Si aprendes español/inglés te vendría bien para tu futuro ( es un consejo de amigo)
Castilian Spanish is really official in only 19, and it is really spoken by a majority of the country in only Castilia and Antioquia, Colombia.
For example, Castilian is official in Venezuela, but if you go there, nobody speak Castilian. Perhaps a 1% of the population can speak it.
So, Spanish is official in 18 Western Hemisphere countries, but it is not really spoken there.
According to the SIL-Ethnologue there are only 350 million of Spanish speakers. Only 20 million of them speak it as second language.
French-Spanish comparison:
Secondary speakers: French - 190 - Spanish - 30 million. Spanish looses
Total speakers: French - 700 - Spanish - 330 million. Spanish looses
Exports: French - 2nd - Spanish - 6th. Spanish looses.
Number of students: French - 200 million - Spanish 14 million. Spanish looses.
Mother language: Spanish 330- French 100. Spanish wins
Regions (majority language): French - 10 - Spanish - 2 million. Spanish looses
Spanish is the language of God. Nothing can be compared to that.
I am really Guest alias Adolfo/Invitado/Colette/JGreco/Penetra/Red Echelon/Usuario/A more original name, etc. the Hispanic Hallucinator.
I started this thread pretending that I'm pro-French just to make an argument that Spanish is more important than French when it's not.
I love to savor my own PEANUT BUTTER because it's the best one I've ever tasted.
Here's how I do it!
Visitor, when you write, can you give us an OFFICIAL WEBPAGE where you confirm your data, or are they invented, stupid asshole?
French Government and the Francophonie consider that there are only 200 million of French speakers (72 of them as mother tongue)
<<200 millions de francophones sont répartis dans le monde, dont 72 millions de francophones partiels>>
They also confirm that French is almost no spoken in these "francophone" countries:
<<L’État le plus peuplé de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie est le Vietnam, avec 84 millions d’habitants avec seulement 0,2 % de sa population francophone>>
La langue francaise dans le monde en chiffres
This stupid Frog is very disgusting. I repeat it, when you speak about a language, give us an OFFICIAL WEBPAGE to confirm your data.
According to the French Government, the percentage of French speakers is really a minority:
La langue francaise dans le monde:
La langue française unique langue officielle de 12 pays (les % sont ceux des francophones réels):
Bénin (8,8 %)
Burkina Faso (5 %)
Congo (30 %)
Côte d’Ivoire (22 %)
Guinée (5,4 %)
Mali (8,2 %)
Niger (9 %)
Sénégal (10 %)
Togo (30 %)
Burundi 0,7 %
Cameroun 18 %
Centrafrique 7,5 %
Comores 7 %
Rép.D. Congo 4 %
Djibouti 7,9 %
Madagascar 5 %
Rwanda 7 %
Canada 29,4 %
Haïti 8 %
Seychelles 7,6 %
If you have any doubt, I give you 5 OFFICIAL WEBPAGES:
200 millions de francophones
« 200 millions de francophones, dont 72 millions de francophones partiels : telle est l'évaluation à laquelle parviennent les auteurs du rapport, non sans avoir précautionneusement rappelé qu'il ne pouvait s'agir que d'estimations et appelé de leurs voux la constitution d'instruments de mesure plus scientifiques.
la Francophonie compte 128 millions de francophones "réels" capables de parler courament le français, et 72 millions de "partiels", selon l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).
Il est la neuvième langue parlée dans le monde derrière le chinois, l'anglais, l'indi, l'espagnol, le russe, l'arabe, le bengali et le Portugais.
Il y a 200 millions de Francophones qui s’expriment dans notre langue sur tous les continents, et contrairement à ce que j’entends dire, ce nombre ne cesse de s’accroître.
Journée internationale pour les 200 millions de francophones
Pour le moment, le nombre de personnes parlant le français dans le monde est estimé à 200 millions, ce qui en fait, quantitativement, la 9e langue parlée dans le monde.
Sur ces 200 millions, la moitié (96,2 millions) vit en Afrique et ce continent est, de loin, le principal réservoir de progression.
Cependant, cet essor programmé est fragile, car en Afrique le français est partout seconde langue: les enfants l'apprennent à l'école et non dans leurs familles. Un changement de politique au niveau de l'Etat peut réduire l'expansion du français.
"Le français n'est la langue maternelle que dans quelques pays: la France, la Belgique francophone, la Suisse romande, quelques provinces canadiennes dont le Québec, le Luxembourg, Monaco, soit quelque 75 millions de personnes.
Why don't the French speakers open threads against Portuguese? Portuguese is direct competitor of French:
Portuguese: 200 millions of speakers
French: 200 millions of speakers.
Portuguese is spoken in South America , Europe, Africa and Asia.
French is spoken in South America, North America, Europe and Africa.