Labelling books as offensive due to outdated stereotypes
What do you think of the new enterprise to label books (mainly old ones, written before PC) as offensive and put "warnings" on the front?
I support it wholeheartedly. Why? Because my heart juts bleeds for the poor, helpless minorities. It must be so painful and soul-shattering when you're reading a book and you suddenly come across an "outdated stereotype". Oh, thank God, White Man is here to save the day and protect the defenceless from this trauma.
What would we do without the magnanimity of White Man?
Where the hell is this going on? That's ridiculous.
Go have sex with a Black man.
Tintin in the Congo is more stigmatised these days than Mein Kampf.
Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex with Black Black Black Black meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Up until about the mid 1980s people quite commonly held views like those expressed in Tintin in the Congo, and up until then not many people really thought about it.
PC really took off in the early 90s, and has been growing ever since. Do you think PC is the future, or is it possible we might come out of this PC stage and go back into the un-PC, outspoken stage of not so long ago?
On, people quite openly attack Tintin in the Congo for being racist, however, on and is has a higher rating, and interestingly on the French and US site, less people are worried about the racism aspect than on the Briish site. Is this mere conincidence, or a reflection of how Britain is more PC obsessed than most other Western nations?
Didn't some people think that Noddy was racist?
I luckily am in the possession of Kuifje in Afrika and of Tintin au Congo. I'm getting sick of this censorship! Can't they relativate that's they're from the fucking 30s? Why are minorities supposed to remain the 'weak ones'? This is far from becoming emancipated I would say. What next? Banning Astérix because they draw negroes as mainly slaves and always with very thick lips (while other people are portrayed as 'humans')? Everyone knows these comics are from the bloody 60s. Hardly any European thinks as stereotypical as they did back then.
Tintin massacres a peasant village is one of my all time faves.
I loved the ending when he saved Hitler from the Jews.
I love shagging Asian men.
Even dictionaries are censored these days. In the Spanish dictionary one of the meanings of "pederast" was "pej. homosexual". They just abolished that meaning on a whim because it was offensive, implying homosexuals are paedophiles. Um, are they blind? Did they not see "pej."? Offensive words are part of the language, I'm sorry.