Which language is the most intellectual?
Definitely not Spanish.
With the exception of Spain (though Spain is no star), it is impossible to find intelligent Latin American media. I have looked and looked but all the media there is all dumbed down, tabloidish and amateurish. I want high quality, intellectual political, economic and technological commentary. All I get is low quality sensationalist, politically biased drivel that is very local in scope. All that is even slightly intellectual is rehashed from overseas.
With the exception of Spain (though Spain is no star), it is impossible to find intelligent Latin American media. I have looked and looked but all the media there is all dumbed down, tabloidish and amateurish. I want high quality, intellectual political, economic and technological commentary. All I get is low quality sensationalist, politically biased drivel that is very local in scope. All that is even slightly intellectual is rehashed from overseas.
French, German, Swedish. English was dilluted too much by all sorts of things that all share the necessity of being in the garbage.
<< it is impossible to find intelligent Latin American media >>
Have you tried Cuban media?
Not my thing really, but since you're looking for "high quality, intellectual political, economic and technological commentary", these ones may fit the ticket:
Have you tried Cuban media?
Not my thing really, but since you're looking for "high quality, intellectual political, economic and technological commentary", these ones may fit the ticket:
<<Have you tried Cuban media? >>
Cuban media is censored. Need I say any more?
Cuban media is censored. Need I say any more?
Cuban media are controlled by Castro, he takes good care of keeping level low so people don't think too much. Plus, since Cuba is ruled by the communists , most of white population migrated to Miami, so only low IQ blacks and mulattos remain in the Isle . They do not need Castro's propaganda to look dumb as they have stupidity in their genes. Anyways media can't only but reinforce lack of creativity and criticism. I feel so sorry for Cuba, it was the richest country of Latin America and now it is a shithole.
It is true that Cuban media is censored. So it is US media and that of most "democratic" countries. I thought you were a grown-up individual aware of those facts,
Instead you turned out to be another brainless parrot, patronizing us with American propaganda from the Cold War.
As for the Spaniard twit that hates blacks so much, may be he reminded how those people are the ones that get any medals for Spain in an otherwise embarrassing performance in the Olympics?
Why are you so bitter about black people, Franco? If they are so inferior as you said, what are you so worried about?
Hummm ...., I suspect something personal here, sounds like your wife had better judgment and dumped you by a better performing male. But that's not black people's fault Franco, it's just yours, that are not man enough.
Keep kissing neo-conservative asses Franco, that's very manly. And then go to Haiti, Dominican Republic or Jamaica and explain to them how lucky they are, even though their children are dying from hunger and disease.
Instead you turned out to be another brainless parrot, patronizing us with American propaganda from the Cold War.
As for the Spaniard twit that hates blacks so much, may be he reminded how those people are the ones that get any medals for Spain in an otherwise embarrassing performance in the Olympics?
Why are you so bitter about black people, Franco? If they are so inferior as you said, what are you so worried about?
Hummm ...., I suspect something personal here, sounds like your wife had better judgment and dumped you by a better performing male. But that's not black people's fault Franco, it's just yours, that are not man enough.
Keep kissing neo-conservative asses Franco, that's very manly. And then go to Haiti, Dominican Republic or Jamaica and explain to them how lucky they are, even though their children are dying from hunger and disease.
<<So it is US media and that of most "democratic" countries>>
That is somewhat true. For example, in Spain the media is censored by socialists like Zapatero. In Britain not only media is censored, but also classic comic books like Tintin.
In the USA it is somewhat better. No one side has a monopoly on the media like in Europe. All sides may be biased, but at least all sides are allowed to speak.
In Cuba it's red or dead.
<<Instead you turned out to be another brainless parrot, patronizing us with American propaganda from the Cold War. >>
American propaganda from the Cold War? Like what? That Cuba is a shithole? Is that propaganda? Well, I'm open minded, and I can't take a socialist like you's word for it. So...
Let's ask the Cubans! What do you think, Cubans?
Anyone there from Cuba? Where are you?
Cuba?? Hello?
OH WAIT! Cubans don't have internet.
Of course, how could I forget.
Is that propaganda? Or are they all just hiding somewhere?
<<And then go to Haiti, Dominican Republic or Jamaica and explain to them how lucky they are, >>
Haiti and the other two are not comparable. Dominican Republicans and Jamaicans are very grateful that they do not live like Haitians. They are grateful to the civilized countries that gave them their legacy. The reason their they are still poor is that they only have the legacy. After the civilised people left they didn't do anything themselves, and that's why they're still poor. They didn't capitalise on the good start we gifted them.
As for Haiti, that is what Dominican Republic and Jamaica would be without the hand of civilisation. If the French had paid attention to them they would probably be more or less semi poor, but no, no Westerners helped them out so we can see their true essence of indolence.
That is somewhat true. For example, in Spain the media is censored by socialists like Zapatero. In Britain not only media is censored, but also classic comic books like Tintin.
In the USA it is somewhat better. No one side has a monopoly on the media like in Europe. All sides may be biased, but at least all sides are allowed to speak.
In Cuba it's red or dead.
<<Instead you turned out to be another brainless parrot, patronizing us with American propaganda from the Cold War. >>
American propaganda from the Cold War? Like what? That Cuba is a shithole? Is that propaganda? Well, I'm open minded, and I can't take a socialist like you's word for it. So...
Let's ask the Cubans! What do you think, Cubans?
Anyone there from Cuba? Where are you?
Cuba?? Hello?
OH WAIT! Cubans don't have internet.
Of course, how could I forget.
Is that propaganda? Or are they all just hiding somewhere?
<<And then go to Haiti, Dominican Republic or Jamaica and explain to them how lucky they are, >>
Haiti and the other two are not comparable. Dominican Republicans and Jamaicans are very grateful that they do not live like Haitians. They are grateful to the civilized countries that gave them their legacy. The reason their they are still poor is that they only have the legacy. After the civilised people left they didn't do anything themselves, and that's why they're still poor. They didn't capitalise on the good start we gifted them.
As for Haiti, that is what Dominican Republic and Jamaica would be without the hand of civilisation. If the French had paid attention to them they would probably be more or less semi poor, but no, no Westerners helped them out so we can see their true essence of indolence.
<< Well, I'm open minded, and I can't take a socialist like you's word for it. So... >>
Cubans don't have Internet because of the United States embargo against Cuba, that shows the hypocrisy of a superpower that punishes the innocent people of a small island while cozying to dictators elsewhere.
But don't take my word for it:
"The embargo has been a failure by every measure. It has not changed the course or nature of the Cuban government. It has not liberated a single Cuban citizen. In fact, the embargo has made the Cuban people a bit more impoverished, without making them one bit more free. At the same time, it has deprived Americans of their freedom to travel and has cost US farmers and other producers billions of dollars of potential exports."
-- Daniel Griswold, director of the Cato Institute's Center for Trade Policy Studies
Note that "it has made the Cuban people a bit more impoverished, without making them one bit more free. At the same time, it has deprived Americans of their freedom"
Let's ask the Americans! What do you think, Americans?
Anyone there from Americans? Where are you?
Americans?? Hello?
OH WAIT! Americans are not allowed to travel or establish any commercial relationships with anyone from Cuba, so how could they know?.
Of course, how could I forget.
Is that propaganda? Or are they all just hiding somewhere, afraid that if they say that they have traveled or establish any commercial relationships with anyone from Cuba, they will be labeled as criminals?
No wonder, though. Criminal penalties for violating the embargo range up to ten years in prison, $1 million in corporate fines, and $250,000 in individual fines; civil penalties up to $55,000 per violation.
<< Dominican Republicans and Jamaicans are very grateful that they do not live like Haitians >>
And Cubans are very grateful that they do not live like Dominican Republicans and Jamaicans.
Cubans don't have Internet because of the United States embargo against Cuba, that shows the hypocrisy of a superpower that punishes the innocent people of a small island while cozying to dictators elsewhere.
But don't take my word for it:
"The embargo has been a failure by every measure. It has not changed the course or nature of the Cuban government. It has not liberated a single Cuban citizen. In fact, the embargo has made the Cuban people a bit more impoverished, without making them one bit more free. At the same time, it has deprived Americans of their freedom to travel and has cost US farmers and other producers billions of dollars of potential exports."
-- Daniel Griswold, director of the Cato Institute's Center for Trade Policy Studies
Note that "it has made the Cuban people a bit more impoverished, without making them one bit more free. At the same time, it has deprived Americans of their freedom"
Let's ask the Americans! What do you think, Americans?
Anyone there from Americans? Where are you?
Americans?? Hello?
OH WAIT! Americans are not allowed to travel or establish any commercial relationships with anyone from Cuba, so how could they know?.
Of course, how could I forget.
Is that propaganda? Or are they all just hiding somewhere, afraid that if they say that they have traveled or establish any commercial relationships with anyone from Cuba, they will be labeled as criminals?
No wonder, though. Criminal penalties for violating the embargo range up to ten years in prison, $1 million in corporate fines, and $250,000 in individual fines; civil penalties up to $55,000 per violation.
<< Dominican Republicans and Jamaicans are very grateful that they do not live like Haitians >>
And Cubans are very grateful that they do not live like Dominican Republicans and Jamaicans.
<< I'm very grateful that I don't live in Cuba. >>
You would be if you were living in most of South America or even places in the US like New Orleans.
Or even in any country on Earth under a natural disaster. Cubans are used as a model in those kind of events.
You would also be VERY grateful if you were expecting a baby, as Cuba has one of the lowest rate of infant mortality in the Americas only second to Canada. Cuba has universal free health care.
And if you were not a twit, whose parents pay for your education, then you will definitely be most grateful as the Cuban Government provides free education for ALL, twits and non-twits.
Cuba leads Latin America in primary education. Cuba maintains twice the amount of public spending on education as its more wealthy neighbors, at 10% of GNP. Cuba shows how important education is by keeping a student to teacher ratio of 12 to 1, which is approximately half of the Latin American average. In addition the youth illiteracy rate in Cuba is close to zero, a figure unmatched by all other Latin American countries.
Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan stated that "Cuba should be the envy of many other nations" adding that achievements in social development are impressive given the size of its gross domestic product per capita. "Cuba demonstrates how much nations can do with the resources they have if they focus on the right priorities - health, education, and literacy."
Note the choice of the word "envy", Franco?
See, they are not twits like you, but infinitely more productive and happier than you are.
A lot of blacks in Cuba though, you probably won't like it, although your wife will love it ;)
You would be if you were living in most of South America or even places in the US like New Orleans.
Or even in any country on Earth under a natural disaster. Cubans are used as a model in those kind of events.
You would also be VERY grateful if you were expecting a baby, as Cuba has one of the lowest rate of infant mortality in the Americas only second to Canada. Cuba has universal free health care.
And if you were not a twit, whose parents pay for your education, then you will definitely be most grateful as the Cuban Government provides free education for ALL, twits and non-twits.
Cuba leads Latin America in primary education. Cuba maintains twice the amount of public spending on education as its more wealthy neighbors, at 10% of GNP. Cuba shows how important education is by keeping a student to teacher ratio of 12 to 1, which is approximately half of the Latin American average. In addition the youth illiteracy rate in Cuba is close to zero, a figure unmatched by all other Latin American countries.
Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan stated that "Cuba should be the envy of many other nations" adding that achievements in social development are impressive given the size of its gross domestic product per capita. "Cuba demonstrates how much nations can do with the resources they have if they focus on the right priorities - health, education, and literacy."
Note the choice of the word "envy", Franco?
See, they are not twits like you, but infinitely more productive and happier than you are.
A lot of blacks in Cuba though, you probably won't like it, although your wife will love it ;)
Cuba is too much romanticized by western rich kids who think communism is cool.