How are immigrants seen in Britain?
PC tries to crush people's real opinion on immigration, and in the surface Britain would appear one of the most PC countries in earth, with wholely PC people, but under the surface what are they like towards immigrants.
The Dutch, despite showing a requiered veneer of PC consideration towards immigrants (to prove they're not racist) subconciously don't want to have anything to do with foreigners and very much stick with their own tribe. They'll bang on to their own tribe about how liberal and accepting they are, yet actually won't ever go near a foreigner.
Is Britain the same as this? I would be inclinded to say know, as Geert Wilders in the Netherlands has nearly 50% support, so you could take that to mean half the Dutch and quite probably more are sick of Islam. However, in Britain, the equivialent party gets very, very little support, and is stigmatised and hated and violently attacked by left-wing scum.
So is Britain an example of two-faced PC, or is it not a veneer with the Brits, maybe they truly do love foreigners more than their own?
Well, usually Brits hate white Central Europeans , because they are hard working, low paid workforce, and Brits are jealous, they don't like people who are not lazy, educated and that just ruin their own misconception of Great Briatain as the best country in the world, and Brits as a supernation....But they love everything black and muslim, especially if they carry a knife and kill teenagers in East London....
I find it amusing how the people who say Brits are lazy and backward are people from backward, inferior shitholes. If your people are so educated and hard-working why the fuck do you all live in run down shitholes and have to come and live off our backs to make anything of yourselves? The evidence really contradicts your childish, little untermensch rant.
"Untermensch" isn't that one of Hitler's words? Your post looked like written by a British uneducated kid / teenager who have no own ideas and copy some old ones like->" subhuman" .... and all that shit. Do you have your own beliefs, thoughts and opinions? Central Europeans cannot change their fucking situation , if you were smart enough you would know that it's hard to kick all that beaurocrasy off and eliminate former communists from their position and power. It's not our fault that in Central Europe employers don't care about our education, the only thing important is if you know them or if you are ready to work for less than 400 euro per month. It's not our fault that West betrayed Us and that we suffered for 44 years of communism...I think some Brits are lazy, and ungrateful,you forgot without immigrants UK economy wouldn't grow so fast and that fucking crisis would hit you harder. Don't tell me that you know at least one Brit who will do low paid job....
<<It's not our fault that in Central Europe employers don't care about our education>>
Typical foreigner, pass the buck. Do you think the UK is a country that HAS never had problems? Has never had dire poverty? Has never had internal conflict? You need to start thinking outside the box and addressing your own problems instead of blaming those who have been able to make better for themselves. Bitterness is not a good look dear Pole.
I don't know what you're on about the UK economy growing fast, we have one of the biggest deficites in the EU, nearly as big as Greece, we are still firmly in recession, public sector worker are taking pay cuts and pay freezes and due to the pressure by foreigners put on the NHS, the quality of health care is dropping.
Eastern Europeans do not increase the standard of living of the average Brit, this has been proven many times, the cost of educating your kids (higher fertality rate the Western Europeans), and treating you and your kids in the end works out to no economic benefit at all.
I think you're pretty deluded if you think the UK is some economic haven.
<< Brits are lazy >>
I can testify to that. People in my former company would go for a drink at the pub at 11 am on a Monday. If you showed up at 9 am (the "official" starting time) you had to switch on the lights.
After 4.30 pm 70% of the workforce was already gone, 20% was playing videogames and the rest was smoking downstairs.
<< and backward >>
Also to that, and I think alcohol is the cause of such a backward mentality.
You don't really realize how racist a Brit can be until you listen to him/her ranting about other races/nationalities when drunk in a pub.
<< have to come and live off our backs >>
Actually is the other way around. British history is full of looting, killings and all kinds of abuses on just about any other nation in the world.
If Britain was left to survive from what it produces, people would be starving.
That's why their economy basically consists of stealing natural resources and financial assets from other countries (Nigeria, Gulf of Mexico and a long etc) so British citizens can go on with their lazy, parasitic existence.
I find it wholely amusing how everyone hates Britain so much, yet everyone wants to live here.
Matematik I don't hate UK. We just discuss. By the way I'm not a Pole, I have some German ancestry...I know that Central Europe cannot provide good quality of living for most of it's inhabitants, but that is today, you probably know that it would also be quite stupid or simple minded to think that Eastern Europe is like Third World Countries, there are some rich ' enclaves' - big cities like Warsaw or Prage were lotsa a people could achieve about 50% - 70% of an average Brit. But most immigrant come from villages and backward regions like Eastern Poland, Ukraine....As for Uk, I really know lot a bout your country even in economical sense..I know that You have growing number of people living in poverty and probably more than 20-30% of population being poor and liviong on social funds...I read about Thatcher and her deal in destroying your mine industry, all that stuff...Next thing - standard of living, yes there are better places in Europe than UK, that offer higher wages, lower taxes and less crime, so UK is not an economic heaven but you already know that comparing to Ukrainian economic problems yours are minor, at leats you have strong middle class (correct me if I'm wrong) that consists of 50% of England...
Oh poor souls, you have economic problems in Ukraine. Well fuck off back to Ukraine and fix them then, if you're such hard workers as you claim it should be easy as piss, shouldn't it?
Crunch I'm not Ukrainian and that country was just an example of losing ground during that crisis. Where did you get that I'm like that UPA supporters? I actually hate that shitheads
(except Eastern Ukrainians who are ok) and to be honest I have no problems nowadays and don't give a shit about crisis, I've got a job and my city is growing and modernizing rapidly... So I can go to the UK as a tourist...
I guess it's like any other country. Work hard and contribute and you'll be treated with respect, otherwise you're immigrant scum and a product of whatever stereotypes you happen to fall into.
Is the Dutch work ethnic more like Germany or Britain?
<< I can testify to that. People in my former company would go for a drink at the pub at 11 am on a Monday. If you showed up at 9 am (the "official" starting time) you had to switch on the lights.
After 4.30 pm 70% of the workforce was already gone, 20% was playing videogames and the rest was smoking downstairs.
If you want to integrate in your host society you should do the same than them.
>>I find it wholely amusing how everyone hates Britain so much, yet everyone wants to live here.
are you sure in the word "everyone"? Americans prefer America, the French prefer France, Germans love Germany etc. even the Chinese prefer China, otherwise they have already conquered your little island. Nobody really wants to live in the UK. Only losers who can't find their way move around and there are quite many of them in the UK too.