Do Dutch hate being articulate in Dutch?
The general standard of Dutch on internet forums is abysmal. My Dutch is basic and quite poor, and I can see quite clearly Dutch do not write well in Dutch, they keep to very small, basic words and anyone who tries to use a more sophisticated vocabulary is considered a weirdo, they also litter their speech with English words.
To the Dutch, their language seems to be considered very much a tongue for light conversation, not worth using for anything taxing, that's when they use English. It seems they consider anyone who tries to use Dutch for real debate and discussion to be unncessarily pretentious.
This is sadly true for younger people (especially for internet or game addicts). Don't make a mistake however, this doesn't mean Dutch will get replaced by English within 2 generation. People who are resisting this are common enough.
Also, Dutch is really a language which is anti-puristic, until the pollution gets THIS bad that they enter a puristic spree.
PARISIEN also has tried, in an attempt to troll Flemish, advised to speak Dutch with a Flemish accent, so they take for granted you speak lousy Dutch. Well, I can tell you that Dutch people suffer less from this disease than Flemish, even today. Still, this phenomenon is the worst in West-Flanders were people have a history of self-hating francophilia since the Middle Ages, this is getting replaced by anglophilia.
I suspect that the vocabulary is "smallish" in Dutch. I am not a native speaker, but I see the same words used a lot.
Nope. Vocabulary is actually very big in Dutch. It's really out of self-hatred. Truth to be told, most culture in the Dutch-speaking world is literature and drama. This is maybe the true reason. People think they're turned inside themselves for using their native language in lyrics or anywhere else.
Also computer games and the game geeks are to blame, as computer games are almost entirely in English here and people learn to think 'English is cool' from an early age. Gaming fans are suffering the most from this, but neither underestimate the influence from the mainly anglophone film industry. Most non-anglophone films are seen as a niche industry for (pseudo)-intellectuals. Sad! Very sad for continental Europe I'd say.
Literature was an art form that was liked by all classes in the early XXth century. It culminated at that time. Now it's become stuff for 'intellectuals', 'homosexuals' and 'women' and it's not rarely just worthless pulp. It's no coincidence that many of the so-called top writers are homosexual (nothing wrong with that, but they dominate the literary word).
Well, I suspect it was large during the time the Dutch traded at or near Nagasaki...
Where do you see people repeating the same words over and over again? On YouTube? Gaming forums?
English speaker are not specially famous for using big vocabulary.
History of Dutch is very interesting . One of Middle Low German Franconian varieties became a standardized language. It was standardized again in XX century (Taalunie).
It is not that they are ashamed of their language, its that they value practicing their English to foreigners as a way to further their learning. My best friends mom is Dutch, and in a past conversation with her she revealed to me that The Dutch get annoyed when a foreigner doesn't pronounce their language right. My best friend's mother would only speak to me in simple Dutch after I had bought the Rosetta Stone product that was several hundred dollars that she finally would have a simple conversation with me in Dutch. It is not that she was stuck up about it, its just that the Dutch realize they have a hard language to pronounce and they hate when foreigners mispronounce their language. At least their very respectful and nice about it and that is what is wonderful about the Dutch people and why I think there should be much more promotion for visiting the country.
On language sites for amateurs, Baldewin-site with both Flemish and Dutch people. If you can recommend a site where I can read higher-level Dutch, that would be great. or and more perhaps. I'm not a frequenter of that much forums.
Also, on languages sites Dutch-speaking barely use their native language due to the international nature of it.
You can better read newspapers like or
A non-native speaker calls Dutch a undeveloped language. Sorry, but I don't have to explain myself. It getting boring. Go and call French poor and remain convinced, you'll see that French will frown upon you but neither will defend themselves with arguments because stupidity is hard to disprove.
<<that The Dutch get annoyed when a foreigner doesn't pronounce their language right.>>
<<and they hate when foreigners mispronounce their language>>
And you think I don't fucking hate it when a Dutch cunt mispronounces English? Like those fucking Dutch faggots on Youtube with the failed American accents.
Those people are repugnant and I refuse to speak to them in English. Their accent literally makes me feel sick and cough up bile.