a (metric) unit

Adam   Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:01 pm GMT
"If we (USA) are using a system not used in most places I would personally favor adopting this 'Metric System' in the USA. "

One World or a World of Traditions

It is often said that the rest of the world uses the metric system so the U.S. must also.

First, taking this point at face value, the following question should be asked: Why? The value of our cultural heritage is vastly more valuable than say putting up signs with bridge heights in meters instead of feet because others do so.

This example comes from some French friends of mine who recently got back from England and told me that they had been disappointed on a recent walk around London to find that various METRIC direction signs are appearing (including the sign to the restrooms). They said that when they visit England they go for the differences not the similarities with France. They said that they could not understand why the British would lose part of their heritage and way of looking at the world by steamrollering away feet, miles, yards, gallons, pints, etc! And they added that if England loses much more of its Englishness, they will not bother going back!! (Many friend also say they'd be disappointed if they saw the Pound replaced by the Euro.)

The advantages of our American (Imperial)units is put forward in detail on this site. However, the most fundamental reasons why metrication of the USA (and the UK for that matter) should be stopped in its tracks is because it is an unnecessary destruction of part of our culture and heritage. Moreover, and as the USA is a democracy this point is not unimportant, the vast majority of Americans prefer our American measurements. To unnecessarily change a fundamental aspect of our culture against popular opinion is simply wrong.

euro   Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:18 pm GMT
the UK is a French follower anyway, metric or imperial are French,anyway...
Guest   Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:57 pm GMT
<<<<Wow, you got a whole 1 cm out of a 1 mm foreskin. > You must be a woman !

It’s not the 1mm foreskin that makes your penis bigger. It’s because your penis is intact and has more blood supply, circumcising your penis, you cut the big veins that supply blood to your erect penis. Also by circumcising, the penis retracts somehow inside your body because cutting the prepuce is cutting the flexibility.

By the way, 1 cm is a big difference…

The average vagina is from 11 to 15 cm anyway. So 16.25 cm is more than enough... >>>

Americans have big vaginas ! and small tits...
Guest   Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:00 pm GMT
some women have a small pussy and big tits,

some have big pussy and small tits...

which one do you preffer ? hairy or shaved ? LOL
Damian in Edinburgh   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:25 pm GMT
Shylock: Oh, Bassanio, Bassanio....I can no longer wait......I care not for your offer of many times the original debt....the three months are up and I hereby seek my revenge......I demand of you my....erm...... four hundred and fifty four grams of flesh!

(Merchant of Venice: With apologies to Will, the Bard of Avon)
Benjamin   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:34 pm GMT
>> The value of our cultural heritage is vastly more valuable than say putting up signs with bridge heights in meters instead of feet because others do so. <<

You really consider measurement systems to be an integral part of one's culture?

>> This example comes from some French friends of mine who recently got back from England and told me that they had been disappointed on a recent walk around London to find that various METRIC direction signs are appearing (including the sign to the restrooms). They said that when they visit England they go for the differences not the similarities with France. They said that they could not understand why the British would lose part of their heritage and way of looking at the world by steamrollering away feet, miles, yards, gallons, pints, etc! And they added that if England loses much more of its Englishness, they will not bother going back!! <<

Wow, you actually have French friends? I'm stunned.

I find it very difficult to believe that the signs to the toilets being in metric in London really ruined their time in England to such a great degree. I'm also intrigued to see that you called the toilets 'restrooms' — you're not really an American in disguise, are you?

And what exactly is 'Britishness'? (I'll assume that that was what they really meant, since the French often use 'Angleterre' and 'anglais' when they really mean 'Grande-Bretagne' and 'britannique'). I don't see European culture as falling into neat little boxes; is Cornwall more like Caithness or more like Britanny, for example?

But they're right — there is not a huge amount of difference between life in Britain and life in France on the grand scheme of things any more (if there ever was, for that matter). Same seems to apply to most Western European countries, in my experience (notably Belgium and Germany).

Or more realistically, you may well have made that story up.
no gays please   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:34 pm GMT
you gay basdard cock sucker ! shit fucker ! ass licker get lost don't flirt with men on antimoon.

go suck a dick somewhere else
Guest   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:38 pm GMT
hey Damian do you swallow the sperm ?

I'll go to Scotland soon, will you suck my cock ?
Damian   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:43 pm GMT
Will the sad person with the sad handle who posted the last message please leave the room...your presence here is offensive and superfluous, as is your vile Language. Go elsewhere and seek immediate treatment for your afflication.
Damian   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:44 pm GMT
Guest   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:44 pm GMT
there's a bunch of gays in Scotland paying straight men to suck their dicks...

Many russians and illigal immigrants go and let gays suck their dicks and get 15 quid for that

You have your cock sucked and get 15 quid on top , not bad !
Guest   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:46 pm GMT
Give me a blowjob you queer ! and 15 quid on top, to let you suck my dick, you fucking shit-lover
Damian in Scotland   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:52 pm GMT
***is Cornwall more like Caithness or more like Britanny?***

Definitely more like Britanny...both are peninsulas jutting into the same tract of sea, more or less. Both have similar climates with similar coastlines and similar coastal villages and harbours and share the same linguistic roots.

Caithness is over nine hundred miles to the north, is mostly bleak and bare and open and cruelly cold and windswept at times, definitely in winter. The coastline is even more rocky and wild and storm tossed. In midwinter it barely gets light and midsummer it barely gets dark. They don't speak Gaelic....just a lilting soft Highland form of dialectal English.
L.G   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:56 pm GMT
Damian honestly, a question for you ! I am not the troll from above.

I have anal sex with my girlfriend, but she says, is no good for your ass because it gets loose.

Is it true ? does it get loose ?

cheers mate !
Damian in Edinburgh   Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:59 pm GMT
The public park not far from where I live has all its direction signs in metres....if you get caught short the loos are only 200m from the boating lake.