Be patient, you'll live under Sharia law soon.
Australia is Britain with good weather
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English pederast has been captured by a Spanish woman in Costa del Sol. He is accused for rapping 8 innocent Spanish girls.
Look at the face of the English crimminal. He clearly looks English and criminal:
Look at the face of the English crimminal. He clearly looks English and criminal:
How mature of you, using one British criminal to generalise 60,000,000 people. I always knew Spanish pigs were also retarded and you've just confirmed it.
I suppose you're also stupid enough to think that Spain has no criminals? No wonder Spain needs so much EU money, I don't think you're intelligent enough to do anything by yourselves.
By the looks of it you Spanish pigs are all child murders. There you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, just look at the face of the filthy Spanish child murdering pig.
I suppose you're also stupid enough to think that Spain has no criminals? No wonder Spain needs so much EU money, I don't think you're intelligent enough to do anything by yourselves.
By the looks of it you Spanish pigs are all child murders. There you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, just look at the face of the filthy Spanish child murdering pig.
There are many German tourists too in Spain, but only English ones are arrested for being pederasts and rapists. That means something...
Carlos, are you Spanish really as stupid as you make them out to be, or are you just so blinded by your hatred of English people you're deluded and only believe what you want to believe?
Just search on Google and you'll find plenty of Germans arrested for the most derranged, sickening and heanous crimes. Considering there are at least 700,000 British in Spain and only 150,000 Germans, that's got to be saying something about the Germans.
Carlos, are you Spanish really as stupid as you make them out to be, or are you just so blinded by your hatred of English people you're deluded and only believe what you want to believe?
Just search on Google and you'll find plenty of Germans arrested for the most derranged, sickening and heanous crimes. Considering there are at least 700,000 British in Spain and only 150,000 Germans, that's got to be saying something about the Germans.
English and Germans are cousins, both are crimminal peoples so we don't want you in Spain.
>>I think I'd rather live in a Sharia law state than a Britain of gay marriage and gays being more encouraged than they are now. I consider homosexuality a mental illness that should be treated like all mental illnesses.<<
No doubt you are both a psychologist and scientist, and so totally qualified to state what homosexuality is. Oh no, I guess you're probably not and just feel that it is a bit disagreeable to your idea of how things should be, possibly coupled with ridiculous ideas eagerly slurped up from the bible.
No doubt you are both a psychologist and scientist, and so totally qualified to state what homosexuality is. Oh no, I guess you're probably not and just feel that it is a bit disagreeable to your idea of how things should be, possibly coupled with ridiculous ideas eagerly slurped up from the bible.
No doubt you are both a psychologist and scientist, and so totally qualified to state what homosexuality is. Oh no, I guess you're probably not and just feel that it is a bit disagreeable to your idea of how things should be, possibly coupled with ridiculous ideas eagerly slurped up from the bible. >>
No doubt you are both a psychologist and scientist, and so totally qualified to state what homosexuality is. Oh no, I guess you're probably not and just feel that it is a bit agreeable to your idea of how things should be, possibly coupled with ridiculous ideas eagerly slurped up from the liberal PC media.
No doubt you are both a psychologist and scientist, and so totally qualified to state what homosexuality is. Oh no, I guess you're probably not and just feel that it is a bit disagreeable to your idea of how things should be, possibly coupled with ridiculous ideas eagerly slurped up from the bible. >>
No doubt you are both a psychologist and scientist, and so totally qualified to state what homosexuality is. Oh no, I guess you're probably not and just feel that it is a bit agreeable to your idea of how things should be, possibly coupled with ridiculous ideas eagerly slurped up from the liberal PC media.
Britain has gypsys too. These English words derive from the Romani language:
bamboozle (cheat)
bosh (nonsense)
busk (play music)
chav (youth)
chore (task)
corker (lie)
cosh (stick)
cove (chap)
cushti (good)
dad (father)
lolly (money)
mockers (jinx)
mush (mate)
pal (friend)
posh (classy)
rogue (rascal)
rum (strange)
stir (prison)
bamboozle (cheat)
bosh (nonsense)
busk (play music)
chav (youth)
chore (task)
corker (lie)
cosh (stick)
cove (chap)
cushti (good)
dad (father)
lolly (money)
mockers (jinx)
mush (mate)
pal (friend)
posh (classy)
rogue (rascal)
rum (strange)
stir (prison)
<<Look at the face of the English crimminal. He clearly looks English and criminal:>>
Actually, he looks like pretty nice guy. In fact, you could say that his face has "executive presence". Maybe it's the clean shave and neatly trimmed hair.
Actually, he looks like pretty nice guy. In fact, you could say that his face has "executive presence". Maybe it's the clean shave and neatly trimmed hair.
Somehow I don't think dad and rogue are necessarily of Romani origin. Just because they happen to have a similar meaning in their language doesn't rule out coincidence. Dad may also be related to a Russian word as well. Rogue came from French and originally old Norse I think.
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