I can't for the life of me identify this language? It looks vaguely Romanian. What is it?
What language is this Wikipedia in?
I can't for the life of me identify this language? It looks vaguely Romanian. What is it?
It's interesting how the Latinate countries are obsessed with calling local dialects languages, while in the UK such dialects are simply considered uneducated, working-class bastardisations.
<< It's interesting how the Latinate countries are obsessed with calling local dialects languages
>> Tell that to the French. LOL.
It's Romagnol.
"Romagnol is a Romance language mostly spoken in Romagna (Northern Italy, part of the region Emilia-Romagna, Italy), Republic of San Marino and Northern Marche." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romagnol_language
Yes, correct.
And guess what, "The two dialect sub-groups of Emiliano-Romagnolo are ... ... Emiliano and Romagnolo." That makes sense.
A million speakers? I'm surprised... I wonder how many use it as their only or primary language.
The text inside the "In d' la vadrëina. Al savì che ..." is in the dialetto spoken in Reggio Emilia (Reggiano in Italian, arzân in the local language), which is some 70km WNW of Bologna. That part of the region is Emilia, NOT Romagna.