Is there a yod- sound in words like: playing, crying. I'm sure that I hear / in IPA: pleɪjɪŋ, kraɪjɪŋ/ ? There was a book that showed playing as /ple:ɪŋ/ for Received Pronunciation...I don't know which pronunciation is right...
Please native English speakers help me with this...
Those words all have two syllables, so they do have a y-sound in between the two. But it's also possible to say them as one syllable when speaking quickly, so they end up sounding a little like plang and cryng, I suppose. But I can't imagine a reference book espousing that!
Thanks Uriel, my dictionary doesn't show any yod :( (but I hear that 'yod' when listening to music) it is just another book that describes accents in an old fashioned manner...gosh..
They do not normally have a yod, even when they are pronounced as two-syllable words. I'm not sure why Uriel brought that issue into the discussion. "Neighing" is two syllables, and it doesn't have a yod. "Playing" is just "play" followed by "ing". No yod. There's no "ying" in "playing", just as there's no "wing" in "sawing" (although some people apparently think that there is). People who are over-enunciating (and singers may certainly fall into that category) may put yod in, but standard pronunciation does not have it.
It must be pleɪjɪŋ, because it is the combination of the verb 'play' with the suffix '-ing' to make a present participant or a gerund
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It must be pleɪjɪŋ, because it is the combination of the verb 'play' with the suffix '-ing' to make a present participant or a gerund
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>>People who are over-enunciating may put yod in<<
it definitely sounds over-enunciated with a yod, but theyre wouldnt be much of an understanding problem, so either is suffice.
it definitely sounds over-enunciated with a yod, but theyre wouldnt be much of an understanding problem, so either is suffice.
What you refer to is nothing to do with yods, but is the RP characteristic of 'smoothing.' 'Playing' can sound like 'plaang', fire like 'fah' (or plairng or far if you're non-rhotic).